Thursday, July 20, 2006


i've been away.
in kent, visiting relatives.
the weather was warm.
the relatives were lovely.
i was there.and now i'm back, in london, doing not much of anything.
the weather is still warm. kind of nice but it makes you sweaty and that means you have to wash your clothes more often. and everyone always wants to get drunk, and then you're hot and hung-over the next day.
and i haven't been paid. for two weeks, it's not difficult to pay someone, they do the work and then you give them money. last week they paid someone else. this week's reason/excuse has not been made known as yet. the truth will out.

i watched crimewatch last night, my aunt making the observation that a lot of the criminals were foreigners and immigrants (but there were also a lot of british criminals...). it is true. and there are various issues bound up in that. but robbing a bookmakers shop is still not something acceptable( if you ask me owning a bookmakers shop is also unacceptable) but raping the cleaner of the bookmakers shop is repellent. they showed another guy who is eastern european and gets on buses at night looking for single women, sometimes who are in obvious distress, so that he can rape them.
so you have to say, surely there has to be something done about this. for me you can have a one strike and you're out situation, if you come to this country supposedly for a better life and you then go ahead and f_ck it up, for whatever reason, then i think your permission to stay should be immediately revoked. we send our own people to trial in america these days without batting an eyelid so why can't we send people home who commit crimes? we've got enough of our own criminals to deal with so i don't see why we need anyone else's. and they're not doing any favours for all the people who genuinely come here to work and behave like useful citizens.
i don't know, it's a tricky one, i don't want to get all right-wing about this but i just don't see what we get out of keeping those people here. and we'd have a lot more time and resources to sort out our own problems if we sent all foreign-criminals back to their country of origin. if sweden or any other country did that to me i couldn't complain. i wouldn't be in that situation if i hadn't committed the crime in the first place.
it's a strange world we live in, many parts of it are quite sick and horrible, but in these cases one has to be bold enough to stand up and say 'no more'. poverty may lead to crime but rape is not about how much money you have.
things have to change.
and don't think im blaming all crime on foreigners, but the fact is this country can't even look after its own people, and more poverty means more crime. i'm seriously leaning towards the policies coming in in many european countries where you lock the doors and say enough is enough. i just don't think we can cope. england used to be a country of tolerance but i think nowadays that is being abused. we need to make useful people feel welcome here. but we need to see where we are going and if that means not letting in any more people for a while then so be it. i'm not sure how many of them are really being dealt a good hand taking shitty jobs and living in crime-ridden estates anyway. and this makes it worse for the people who've already emigrated and those who've been here for generations. it becomes an us-and-them situation and at some point the lines will be drawn. i hope this doesn't happen. but the only way i can see is if we close the doors and sit down and talk and find out exactly who we are and what we're about. it's not good extending help indefinitely and not checking to see what kind of position we're in to be offering that help in the first place.

wow, i feel a bit like enoch powell but i'm not saying what he said, i'm saying let's appreciate our diversity, let's work together and let's try to make a better society. we're not going to fix the world's problems by immigration to britain anyway, we will only do that by actively helping the rest of the world to adequately take care of its own affairs.

ok, i'm gonna stop now. glad i got that off my chest.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

random events in a dying universe... (burroughs)

i am in london. it is another of my trips. with more bizarre and seemingly-unconnected-and-meaningless-but-actually-totally-connected-and-meaningful events.
tomorrow i start a course. and i feel ok about it. i shall learn the art of copywriting and all that it entails. tonight i watched the world cup final and drank red wine, having made myself a fairly respectable risotto, yes, i was supporting italy but the food was coincidental. if there are any coincidences.
i got to london on thursday, almost missing my plane but being saved by those who decide what becomes of us... that night i went out for an adequate italian meal with my dear friend johnnie 'polyester'. we then went to clapham, thinking shoreditch could get messy. but clapham was dull, and surprisingly empty, johnnie started to go to the dark side, and then we left.
friday i went to portobello market to see my friend 'steve'. we hung out and talked of many things and plans and told jokes and stories. did you hear about the wooden car? it had wooden wheels, wooden, doors, wooden engine. it wooden go.
boom boom. yeah, bad i guess. maybe you had to be there. or maybe not.
then we ate moroccan and drank portuguese coffee and eventually i split and played music you-know-where. perhaps you don't know where, and perhaps it's better that way. probably, in fact. though steve maybe can fix me up with more interesting possibilities. he knows people, which is a very important quality. he has talent too, but even a man with no talent can do ok if he knows people.
and saturday... well, saturday, interesting, i was at home doing nothing for hours, not at home exactly, but where i'm staying. eventually i persuaded myself to leave the house and head out, possibly to steve's stall at portobello yet again. but first i decided i would go to camden, and there i went, shopping for women's gear to sell at the stall. was gonna get discount from a friend but the boss arrive so that went out of the window. these things happen. but, as one door closes, another one opens... whilst in the shop i spoke briefly to an incredible looking girl, and when i arrived at the till she was just before me, and as she paid for her item it turned out she was a pound short, and being a nice guy, i stepped in to save her in her hour of need, i'd like to think i would have done the same for anybody, perhaps for an old lady i would have done, but maybe not for a guy, unless he seemed like an honest person, which too few people do these days. and she was very thankful. and i was happy to help. and she was beautiful and smiled and we spoke for a second. my transaction took a long time. or perhaps it just seemed long as i was desperate to get out and catch up with this lovely woman. and when eventually i did get out she was in the next shop, but we didn't talk there, or the next shop, i think, but eventually we spoke again, and it was good to talk to her, even though she seemed a little bit hidden behind her sunglasses. she had a lovely personality as well as looking amazing. and i was enjoying it, and we walked around together a while, and all was well with the world. then she stopped to talk to a finnish guy, oh yeah, i forgot to say she was finnish, anyway, she talked to this guy and his girlfriend. i didn't introduce myself, just stayed in the shadows... it was her ex, anyway, and after they left she was a bit shaken up. so we talked a bit more, but i was getting the impression maybe i could be bugging her if i stayed around longer so as she went into the next shop i decided i should move on, and she offered me her number, which i gladly took. and off i went, kissing her on the cheek and thinking, yeah, sometimes things are good...
so then i went to portobello and sold nothing. then i played my records you-know-where again.
and that was that.
but i know there are lessons in all this. i'm just fitting them together. i'll take whatever life wants to throw at me. but a date with that girl would have been a nice thing to throw at me. a walk along the river, maybe an exhibition, an evening meal and a drink, followed by a walk beneath the stars. but no, not yet, life seems to have decided i should walk my lonely walk, trotting to my course and back and playing my records at the weekend. for now at least. i know life can surprise me though.
take care
mr w

p.s. by the way, in case you all think i'm a bad guy, i'm single these days, for a couple of weeks now.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

hanging on

hey there, you crazy kids.
been missing me? of course you have, i just needed to hear you say it, that was all.
been gone, gone, gone. for various reasons. i went away for a while, can't remember if i posted during my trip. but then since returning i have been taken ill. not straight away, but the first few days i was getting acclimatised. and also moving room. i had moved room before going away, only to find out that i needn't have and thus i had to move everything back upon my return. i still haven't finished doing it. so i'm in some kind of limbo for precisely that reason. couple with this illness. it's quite a weird experience being ill, i find, it's quite easy to think you don't deserve it. and i ahve to say i don't know where i picked up this cough as i don't smoke and i am in sweden where smoking is banned in all civilised places. but somehow i have picked up this cough, and, amazingly, i have managed to do it when the weather has been great. so while everyone else has been tanning themselves i have been in bed rolling around with an eyemask on feeling dreadful. but you have to be philosophical about it. people get ill. it's my turn this time.
i'm debating whether or not to go to croatia for a week. there's a reasonably priced flight going out there on saturday. i have the money, though i probably need it for other things. but it might do me good. though last time i was there i came back with a disgusting cough from passive smoking. god i wish people would realise how knobbish smoking is. there is no reason for it. just admit you're unhappy and do something about it.
so what's been going on in the matrix of madness?
the whaling commission is being taken over by sick fucks who've been paid by japan and other psychotic barbaric nations to sign up. so our more intelligent friends in the sea will be dropping in numbers. and all thanks to our more stupid friends on the land. here's something. find out more, google it.
what else? zarqawi got deaded. no great loss there then. a few less beheadings in the world won't worry me unduly. some new guy's in, forget his name, but he's promised war on the coalition and shias. now, i may be wrong in this, but i think people might have a bit more sympathy for the islamic cause if a, they stopped blowing up western civilians, and b, stopped also blowing each other up. it's a bit of a double standard to expect us to hear your pleas for peace when you're intent on blowing each other up. this is the problem. too many offshoots and too many self-appointed preachers praising psychomurderbastards as martyrs. show the 'religion of peace' side and people may be more prepared to listen. the coalition wouldn't look very convincing if they were deliberately targeting their own people, would they? (apart from the occasional american 'friendly fire' incident) .
what else? the world cup's on. england didn't play particularly convincingly at the weekend. but they still managed to win, somehow. so if they do the same tonight, i.e win, not play unconvincingly, then they'll be through to the next round. a bit of luck on our side and you never know. why eriksson took theo walcott is beyond me as he seems to have no desire to play him. why not give that place to someone who can replace owen or rooney? i.e. jermaine defoe.
thought croatia looked good and on another night could have had brazil.
we shall see...
well, can't think of any other news with which to enlighten you at this particular moment.
but i send you all my love and hope that you realise your true worth and the beauty of this world.
mr w

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

hugh, manatee

hi, i've been in france.
i love france. a weird mixture of northern and southern europe. the people also.
a cool, bricolage, throw-what-you-like-into-the-mix kind of vibe over there.
a delight in their own culture, despite sometimes borrowing from others. how different from britain where we don't even know what our culture is anymore. it's all done differently, i.e. well.
obviously the weather helps. but we have this weird thing going on in britain. we don't take an active part in our culture, not very often anyway, but we defend it like psychos if anyone dares to criticise it. very strange. i think we're just a bit unhappy and don't want to admit it.
anyway, it was very nice over there, but holidays almost always are.
just a short blog this time, busy busy, you see.
but you must read this article.
it is sickening. japan using its dirty money to buy favour from small countries at the international whaling commission and these poor little shits are condemning the whale populations to death as a result. sickening. please read it and get active.
message me for more details if necessary.
peace and love, my dears


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

making sense

hail. well met.
been gone a while again. gettting slack with my blogs. been neglecting my diarist's duties.
so here i am again. with some self-deprecating badinage about my shortcomings (or other people's, depending) and some knowing barbs about the activities of politicians. throw in a few desperate pleas for humanity to remember itself and you've got one of my blogs.
you may not even need to read on if you're an imaginative, caring person in your thirties. you may know what i'm going to say already. or you may be a bit of a dick in your thirties who no one really likes but you haven't noticed yet. i hope you don't know exactly what i'm going to say. then i would have to re-examine my life. but, since i'm not sure anyone actually reads this page, i shall begin.
i'm moving rooms over the next couple of days. this may sound completely uninspiring to you. perhaps it is. but... the point of it is... that i shall be sharing a room. at 36 years of age. that will be weird. it may well end up being horrible. or it may be great. or perhaps it will just be bearable. it remains to be seen. it may be only temporary anyway. the guy from whom we rent our apartment needs to move back in for 3 days a week as he needs to give his wife some space. perhaps, hopefully (for both groups), they will work everything out fairly soon. if not i guess i can stick it out for the summer and then try to find something else. but it does feel weird. a bit like being a kid again. the last time i shared a room was with my brother when he was homeless. he ended up staying a year and driving me to distraction. but such is life. and now another challenge comes. i'm not going to stress too much. i always do that only ot find things weren't so bad after all. but if it goes badly you can be sure it will be recorded for posterity in this very journal.
what else? i'm broke. i'm tempted to borrow money from the bank. i may well do so. perhaps even tomorrow, depending on the alacrity of a payment upon which i wait. did that make sense? it was meant to sound a bit archaic but may have just been a bit crap.
thursday i go to london. monday i go to france. for a week. on the riviera no less. i shall doubtless spend some time drinking red wine on the veranda and watching the sun set over the mediterranean. but afterwards back to normal. 'for these few weeks the cherry trees are in blossom. longer and we should not prize them so'. japanese. think about it. it means something.
and what is happening in this rather bizarre, sometimes frightening, sometimes exquisite world we inhabit?
they've released footage of the pentagon attack on sept 11th 2001. now, i'm not one to go for conspiracies. oh, sorry, yes i am, but i'm struggling to see the plane on that footage. surely there was more than one camera outside the heart of america's defence system? but the only one we have pictures from just shows a thin white line above the lawn and then an explosion. looked more like a missile to me. but it couldn't be, could it? hmmm. then we'd have to smell a rat and think the whole thing might not be what it seems. that might lead us to think that politcians lie to us to keep us down and keep themselves in control. it might make us think citizens could die so that powerful scammers can carry on playing their bloodthirsty games around the world. we couldn't think that. but maybe i'm wrong. about the plane, i mean, not the politicians.
but what are we ordinary people doing whilst our governments lie to us? we're using our time productively. we're doing things like this. i mean, this is civilisation. we go on about how the afghans treated the lion in kabul zoo but then this is what goes on at home. is it any less bad? ok, a lion's bigger and there aren't so many of them. but the people who do this are a product of the mighty machine we call western civilisation. so is this guy. now i know plenty of people in the developing world get up to bad things. but we call ourselves civilised. we are the 'developed' world. fuck that then. please do not develop into us. save yourselves now.
blair's talking shit again. actually i've just realised the word shit was redundant in that sentence. like a lot of people since bliar took over. he really is a smarmy worm. he's trying to hawk nuclear power again. this is while they stop iran from having it of course. i mean, why aren't we seeing this? we don't make the link. our brain's are so inactive, or obsessed with cheap tv. if blair was any kind of leader he'd be hooking up bio-ethanol plants. he'd be into some tesla stuff. but he isn't. he's too busy invading places and having holidays and juggling the careers of various fraudsters, philanderers and liars. he said this today - It would be damaging to this government's credibility if it were to pre-empt the conclusions of its own energy review, by making premature and insufficiently considered announcements on nuclear power - isn't it damaging to this government's credibility to pre-empt the findings of hans blix in iraq, making premature and insufficiently considered announcements on wmd's? oh, wait a minute, that would only make sense if the government had any credibility. there's four nice links for you there.
we are bored. we are too rich. even if we're not rich. that's why we get fat. that's why we take drugs. why we spend more on booze than we would need to feed the starving. that's why we beat each other up at football matches. it's why we need immigrant workers to do all the shitty jobs. we're dying inside. but we don't know what to do about it. we don't even know we're unhappy most of the time. we just think it's our natural state. we complain about immigration but we have a country with lots of money floating around and plenty of jobs if you're not too snobby about dirty work. but we'd rather fanny about on the dole having kids who sniff glue than get off our arse and make the world a better place. we have too much. i'd love to go on holiday to spain and see an indian family there, or some people from tanzania, or anywhere. not just fat lazy white europeans. no offence, i'm a slightly chubby white european myself. i just wonder how long we can maintain this house of cards we're living in. i don't mind roughing it a bit if it means we live in a more just world. and it is ending.
because we keep this system of voting for c_nts to rule us. instead of trying to find someone who's going to really give us some meaningful hope and show us how the world could be. but we'll probably find out the hard way. make hay while the sun shines.
stay beautiful
mr w


Saturday, May 06, 2006

disappearances can be deceptive

one of my posts has gone missing. it went live for while, later i tried to adapt it and put in more links but now it has disappeared. believe me, it was a good one. no, actually it was a great one. it was a comeback, a renaissance, a startling return to form. but yet now it is now more. at least seemingly, i shall endeavour to resurrect it. but don't get your hopes up, kids. would hate to disappoint all my readers out there. imagine that. mass misery.
so what goes on?
yesterday i played to an empty club. but it was still quite ok. it got busy at the end so i guess i'm with shakespeare on that one.
later i went out and danced a bit, i even made a request, which i don't normally, and they played it. my current song of the moment, george harrison's 'my sweet lord'. which is apparently all about krishna. now i'm now hare krishna devotee but if they all could make music like this i think i might don the pink robes and shave off all but a tuft of hair atop my head. it is a lovely shimmering piece of music. stays the right side of happy-clappy, has a nice crescendo going on, nice lyric play, simple but meaningful. and manages to throw in the old hare krishna chant, hare hare rama rama etc. at first it could seem to be about jesus with the hallelujas etc but mybe that is the effect. and perhaps there is some link between jesus and krishna. i wouldn't know, being neither a biblical scholar nor an expert on hinduism. perhaps someone can look it up and let me know. oh, just found this.
so what else is going on?
i'm off to shoot a commercial just now. playing the part of an england footballer but i will only be seen in silhouette. sounds very film noir, but it isn't meant to be. hopefully my silhouette won't show too badly how little of a footballer's physique i have. we shall see, the truth will out. the game's afoot, watson.
anyway, i've done that now. in reading it seemed but the blinking of an eye but in truth i have been gone these last 5 hours or so and now i have returned to continue my blog. anyway the shoot was good and i felt bad for repeatedly calling some people 'fucking german wankers'. but that was the script and i am merely a player. strutting and fretting my hour upon the stage then heard no more. etc.
but i got about 200 quid for it so i can't complain. and the 'germans' didn't mind. i'm sure they were paid handsomely too.
what's happening in the world? they had a elections in england. local council elections. fascists got in some places. you might not agree with what their saying but they seem to be tapping into something. scary really but if they're the only ones talking about issues that bother people then it's understandable some people may be tempted to vote for them. those same people probably don't realise that they're also voting to ban the trade unions and also to demolish the national health service. but hey, you can't have everything.
rock on.
some british soldiers were shot down in iraq. a lot of young hotheaded iraqis were cheering. not particularly nice but then i'm sure i wouldn't want my country to be invaded either. but i feel bad for the families of those soldiers who died. fighting blair's dirty war. they needn't have been there. they died for nothing. my face is turning blue i'm saying that so much. but i'll keep on saying it. all this flagwaving stuff is nonsense. the war is allwrong and all those who die in it, on both sides, were murdered by bush and blair and all their cronies. not by iraqis. they may have fired the bullet but the shitterati in power are the ones who started this miasma of manure in the first place.
f^ck em.
what else? i don't know. joaquin phoenix did an album of johnny cash songs. worked for jamie foxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
that's about all for me, i'm worn out after a hard night's shouting. i think i found that other post. will try and send it after this.

rock on, stay beautiful and keep searching.
don't buy bullshit.

later skaters

mr w

Thursday, May 04, 2006

up and down

hello fellow travellers
tonight i went to a very interesting dhamma talk by a guy called yanai postelnik, then i had a massive argument with my girlfriend. what an amazing life i lead.
anyway... such it is. i can only go on trying to make sense of it. i'm not going to tear into my girlfriend. she's just trying to make sense of the world. as i guess we all are.
blair and his cronies are embroiled in this stuff about foreign prisoners who should have been deported but instead went missing. it's this whole thing about being seen to do the right thing, not sending them back to countries with poor human rights records. ok, if they just stole a loaf of bread but anyone who's a rapist, murderer, child molester etc, and isn't meant to be in britain should be sent home. end of story. if they're locked up it's one thing, but then we're still paying for their upkeep. but if they're out we don't really owe them any favours. we gave them a chance and they screwed it up. it's like if you go to your mate's parent's house and his mum makes you a nice dinner but then she catches you giving him a joint, she kicks you out. end of story. she doesn't need to worry if you get a bollocking at home. that's not her problem.
minor crimes, maybe we'll let that go, you might be having a hard time in life, but serious nasty violent stuff? see you later. don't forget to write.
i should write james bond's lines.
zac moussaoui got life. ok, i guess. his mum wants him sent back to france. no, keep him over there. he was sentenced there. i think whatever he did he has to pay for. it's widely known that 911 wasn't all it seemed anyway, but what was meant to have happened? how come he got arrested but 911 wasn't known about? oh it was? not officially of course, not on record anyway. but i just don't really get what he got arrested for. anyway, he was acting like a bit of a silly-billy in court with his us versus them rhetoric. he's just another guy from the muslim world for whom life hasn't worked out so well, so he's been brainwashed into trying to be an islamic hero of some sort. it's all nonsense of course, he's just a guy in an orange prison suit. but this is the problem with this imbalanced world we live in. people are looking for some way to count. the current state of the world is what's wrong. there's this new huge list of endangered species. no wonder, people in the third world are destroying their resources trying to keep up with their first world counterparts. and in africa people are so hungry they're killing off the hippopotamus for food. but we have tv. and we have ipod. and we have happy meals. and big brother. and silly-cone implants. and charles barkley's 10 million dollar gambling habit. yet people are starving. and the world is being eaten away. how about we get rid of this rubbishy system and get back to being more natural? having simple tastes. helping others. having a community. the current way is obviously not working. but if you don't hear about it then you don't fix it. clever, huh?
media control.
f%ck! wake up people...
love you
mr w

Monday, May 01, 2006


i have returned.
it has been many days since my last blog, father. i have only had pure thoughts in that time. and my actions were quite ok, i think.
but much has happened. in my tiny personal world and in the wider world, too.
i have been working on my screenplay. a story of a man running away from his past. you can almost imagine that husky old american dude introducing it in the trailer. 'Kevin Costner, is a man chased by demons, from inside his own head, in Diminishing Returns. In theaters now. Certificate 15'.
anyway, we'll see. not expecting costner for the lead role, as it's set in england. and he's got enough on his plate at the moment. i almost said he's got his hands full but i stopped myself.
so, yeah, that's going on. workwise i still haven't found my new niche, but that may happen when the script is done. god willing. the universe willing. whatever your chosen supreme being may be. if you're an atheist then just keep your fingers crossed for me.
What's happening in the wider world?
Too much almost. One of the main things at the moment is still Iran. a particularly thorny issue this one, as i've said before. I don't want them to have weapons of mass destruction, partly because of what ahmadinejad said about wiping israel off the map, but mainly because i don't want anyone to have them. as a child growing up in the 80's i often had nightmares about nuclear war. as i got older these dreams waned. perhaps because my brain dealt with it, or perhaps because it didn't seem such a real threat. but the weapons were still there. and they will be until we all wake up and get rid of them totally and utterly. and nuclear power too. we have the resources already. we just need to use them better. but then we can't do anything better as long as we're ruled by crooks who have our worst interests at heart.
so there you go. iran, don't get the weapons, please, just because we don't want anyone to have them.
what else? labour's in scandals again. hmm weird how all this stuff comes out at the same time. why isn't there a steady stream of scandal? there seems to be plenty of it about, but it just comes out in big blitzes every once in a while. why is that? because it's organised that way. it's supposed to happen. it makes you think you are making a difference when you vote. and you're so silly you believe it.
anyway, go and get broken flowers on dvd, it's ace. and the girl in the nude scene only looks about 15 but she's actually over 20, i felt a bit weird about that at first. so, rest easy.
and while you're there you can hire 'the cranes are flying'. a lovely story of wartime russia.
and maybe 'come and see'. though that is a lot harder going.
and you should listen to puccini's 'o mio babbino caro' (if that link works). heartrending. a snippet of it here if the other didn't work.
right, enough.
love you all.
mr w

Monday, April 03, 2006


went to football practice today. the creaky old bones somehow mustered enough energy to drag me around on a cross country run and even managed a bit of ball-practice until the manager spotted my failings and told me to do some work with the goalkeeper. fine, until i found out the goalkeeper was injured and wasn't doing anything. so i stood with the injured guys. it was like being back at school. character-building though, apparently. was a good old work out, despite the crestfallen finale. i guess the scouts from real madrid missed the plane over.
what else? more relationship problems. arguments. over-sensitivity. double standards. but apart from that she's fine. i don't think i'm such hard work, but i'm being made out to be.
anyway, tonight i sleep alone. out of choice. off to london wednesday. so tomorrow night is out. and tonight i could have gone over there but the presence of her room-mate puts a dampener on any amorous plans i may make.
i'm working on my screenplay. again. still at the preparation stage. but my chef d'oeuvre will appear one day. believe me.
saw lord of war at the weekend. very good. too tired to go into detail right now but worth seeing definitely. was that the world's worst review? in writing terms, maybe.

world events? more shit, more lies, occasional glimmers of hope offset against a huge living tableau of misery.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

moving pictures

i saw the movie 'syriana' tonight. very good, actually, part of this double whammy of political george clooney movies. wasn't mad about 'good night and good luck'. interesting subject matter but not so involving movie-wise. for me, at least.
but 'syriana' was much more to my liking. perhaps because of it's even greater relevance to current events. they both relate to current events but g.n.a.g.l is more allegorical, whereas this movie deals with events very similar to what is happening right now. in a way, you know where the movie is going all the time but it's still gripping and pacy and has enough humanity and realistic characterisation to stop it from descending into didacticism.
it shows exactly the way things work with 'the powers that be' in their need for instability in the world to keep us distracted and them rich. it flashes up their disinformation and double-agency. it also shows on a smaller scale how terrorists are recruited in used in much the same way as we are used in as pieces in society's bigger games. ultimately, modern society, wherever in the world, depends on power and keeping the status quo. and as long as we stay diverted, the rules and systems may alter a little here and there, but as long as we stay occupied with nonsense we will keep things the way they are... unfair.
that was that.
what else? reid's considering a pardon for private farr. we'll see what happens.
when are we going to let women take over the world? surely we can't hang on too much longer. they can't do a worse job than men. that's for sure. equally bad? i'd have to see it to believe it. and before you jump on me and say that condoleezza (?) rice is a woman and she is as bad news for humanity as bush is, i'll qualify my statement by saying i'm only including human beings in that, and that rules her out.
check this dude out and tell me men are not the reason this world is in a mess.

anyway, so must it be, right now at least.
now i hate to quote nazis but hermann goering was right on point and could have been talking about bush when he came out with this statement at the nuremberg trials.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

so there you go. he just explained exactly what's happening now. add this to the burning of the reichstag and you've got the war on terror and 9/11 fifty years previous. you couldn't make it up. well, you could make it up, like bush did. do we never learn? or do the americans never learn and we just suffer because of it? no, we never learn either, though perhaps more of us in europe are up on what's going on. but still not enough of us. blair is still in power, so britain's out of any competition for the most clued-up people.

it looks like the christian convert in afghanistan may be freed.
the case is falling apart for various reasons. god help him if they release him to an angry pack of people waiting to do god's supposed bidding. surely if god wants him killed a tree will fall on him or he'll choke or something. if it's god's will why are people wanting to do it for the all-powerful guy? seems weird to me.

now that's two stories today that have gone the opposite from where i thought they were going, so if i keep saying the world will only get worse...

you never know...

god bless you, whichever god that may be. and if you have no god, may life bestow you with gifts anyway.


mr w

Monday, March 27, 2006

clocks gone forward

and i'm up late. wonder how long it will take me to get back into the routine of pre-summertime. not that it's actually summer. but it's 2.30 and i'm pretty wide awake if not incredibly bushy-tailed. 2.30 am, that is.
so today i hibernated yet again. only nipping out briefly to forage for pizzas which i store in my cheeks until spring. but i did stuff. i cleaned the bathroom. no mean feat for a single aquarian 30-something guy. 36, actually, i wasn't being vain. just 30-something sounded better in context.
and i learned some stuff on the computer. and tidied my room up a bit. and posed in front of the mirror. and didn't have a shower. and didn't wear any underpants all day. felt good but tricky after you go to the toilet. got to make sure you give it a good shake.
anyway, so that was my day. apart from a recurrence of an old argument with my significant other, which i will not elaborate on too much at this point. as it should never have occurred in the first place.
and in the wider world?
that rancid slab of frozen dog piss, john reid, has refused to pardon a private who was shot in the 1st world war for being a deserter. why not? what difference would it make? the main reason i reckon is reid probably wishes they could do the same. anyway, my message to his daughter, still fighting to clear his name to this day at the age of 92, is he is forgiven, by anyone who has a the slightest shred of humanity in his heart or is able to cry the tiniest tear at the death of an innocent man. unfortunately this does not include the 'labour' party.

and charlie sheen deserves maximum credit for using his platform and right to free speech to voice his concern about the official version of what happened on 911. like many people capable of independent thought, i.e. not in a tv induced coma, he says he is not convinced by what he's been told. well, considering that it's george w bush doing the telling, i'm not surprised he's not convinced. they are a bunch of lying bloodsucking leeches sitting on us and eating our brains with their shitty tv programs and celebrity magazines and music that tells us to hate each other and get drunk and be violent and treat women like crap. this stuff is what they want us to be into. they don't want us to wake up and love each other as brothers and sisters and equals.
if you want to see some video on this it's up on but i haven't got the link to hand. please click and read the one above at least. and spread the word. get these f_ckers out!

ok, enough from me now.

take care my beauties.


mr w x

Friday, March 24, 2006

world, oh weird world

'been away so long i hardly knew the place...'
wrote the beatles... anyway, i'm back and the world is still weird. i haven't left the world. just been busier living in it than writing about it.
i was away in england for a while. always interesting. compared to sweden it's very different. much louder and the streets more populous. much less snow too of course, though there was a delicate sprinkling upon the rooftops during my visit.
and so i'm back, living my life. still looking for that elsusive job to interest me and save my poor eardrums.
but all i'm finding at the moment is dj work. so it will have to continue. but i am working on it. it's a curse being easily distracted. i'm working on that, too.

so what's happening in this mad world?
well, they brought civilisation and freedom to afghanistan. freedom to be hanged if you're a christian. isn't this stuff supposed to have ended? what is civilised and free if this is what happens? we're told they had to get rid of the taliban because of their restrictions on freedom for their citizens yet now they want to put a man to death, for believing in the same god via different book. it's this paranoid version of islam that worries me. sorely god can sort his own affairs out, can't he? you would think so, being all-powerful and all the rest of it. so why do these self-appointed wankers think they can put people to death for changing books? because we let them. not we, but you get my point, it's the same kind of situation with our wankers too. they're locking us down more and more and thinking of more and more bizarre punishments, because the alternative to this is waking us up. but if we woke up they'd all be out of a job, and out of power, which is the major currency here.
i was going to write some stuff about blair selling off the house of lords but i can't be bothered with him. he's a jellyfish.
loads has happened but i guess i must keep on with what happens as and when and forget other things, unless they bear some relevance to what i'm thinking about that day.
well, i am off to do some chores.
i love you all.

Monday, March 06, 2006


hello, i am tired. so will be quick here. haven't blogged recently for whatever reason.
damn i'm tired. thinking now maybe i should just leave it and post something another time.
if i don't say anything else i have to say that tony blair is a f+cking liar. end of discussion. i will go into why but i will not hear otherwise. he said there were wmd's in iraq. barefaced lie. but his biggest lie, and possibly his most sickening was repeated recently. he said he believed in god. he said he asked god about what to do regarding iraq and what happened after was all based upon this spiritual request. my fat smelly arse, you didn't speak to god. you never do, you are a mealy-mouthed forked-tongued, poisonous demon shat out by satan to cause misery in this world (as bill hicks might say). you are devoid of god. he would not talk to you as you operate in the darkness, trying to divert other people away from the light. you should be exorcised from this planet asap. god, if we believe in him, created us, we are part of him. why would he create all these people and then create saddam hussein to be in power and cause all of the innocent iraqi deaths? this is not the way it has to be. the events that take place in this world are designed to bring us towards greater consciousness. all that happens now must bring about a spiritual revolution. blair's actions included. his actions are unnecessary and hideous. we need to wake up and see our connection to each other and the world. we need to see that we are here a short while and then we die. the universe is ever-changing. the events in iraq should be waking us up to the fact that we need to be rid of corrupt lying f*ckbags like bush and blair and finding new ways to share this planet. their friends put saddam in power. then he killed our brothers and sisters in iraq. now more of them are dying as the new generation of power craving western sickos want to control the iraqi oilfields. we are not saving them, we are not protecting them. we are rabble-rousing. we are causing untold destruction by these actions. and i mean we, as long as we allow these supercilious c_ntscabs to carry on in power. blair a christian. my arse, i repeat. but he can say it because he is in a long line of people who said the same. and there are many today who carry guns and call themselves religious men. they are not religious, they just use their twisted version of scripture to make you think they are right. they are wrong. religion is being used as a tool to continue the misery of millions. have a relation to god/the universe/ whatever you want to call it . but avoid being railroaded into acting on behalf of your religion. or your country. or whatever. you must have room to complain and stand up and say 'NO!'. it must end. but it doesn't end as long as you play their game.
wow, i'm awake now.

where's my blair voodoo doll?


mr w x

Sunday, February 26, 2006


hello again

how are you all? i'm ok. had a few drinks the other night, for the first time in a while. felt pretty lethargic the following day. dunno, quite strange. can't decide with this whole drinking thing. haven't the self-control to limit myself, but sometimes i don't drink much anyway. but i can go for long periods without any. i just don't like having to write the next day off. i could live without it, i guess. tricky when everyone else drinks and it's so pervasive in our culture. i don't know. life will bring it's lessons anyway.
had some more thoughts on relationships. i'm trying being more forgiving. it works pretty well. obviously within reason, i wouldn't recommend someone staying with an abusive partner and endangering themselves. but sometimes you can blame the person just for being themselves. obviously that self is not fixed, just like your own. yours isn't fixed, believe me, you are constantly changing, even if you're trying to hang on to some idea you have of yourself. but anyway, forgive them, point out things where they may be going wrong, but do it from a position of love and offering freedom. if in the end you find you are incompatible with the person then you should both be free to say so. but in the meantime allow them to be themselves, and make them feel happy about their best sides. you could always be great friends, even if you break up.
i did another picture. not sure how much it looks like me. or the photograph from which the inspiration came. it partly reminds me of the style of ron lim who used to do the silver surfer cartoons back in the early 90's when it was rocking. haven't read it recently so i can't comment on its rockingness at present, but there were times i read it and had lost its way somewhat. hopefully that's been rectified by now. and when are marvel going to make it into a movie? i'll buff up if you give me the part.

'to me, my board!'.

what news? another horrible story of humanity's worst behaviour. you can't help wondering how it gets to this stage. i mean this guy was obviously incredibly, perhaps irreparably, f*cked up. but how come he's able to do this. the mother should have stopped him, you might say. but so many people are sheep these days. their humanity and connection to others and the world around them is getting eroded. more so in the west/'civilised' world, i think. i know people in the third world kill their babies. totally different reasons, but still horrible, unnecessary and wrong, but they don't stick their faces in fires and smash them up repeatedly. i'm not excusing any baby killings but torture to death is much much worse. but there are a lot of mentally ill people walking around at the moment. we live in a mentally ill world. there are so many things that we accept because we grow with them but if you look at them in a different way they are really messed up. people who speed along roads are mentally ill. they are, there is no need for it. the believe it's an adrenaline rush, maybe it is but they do it because they can't cope with life without it. racist people are mentally ill. it isn't their fault. whatever race they belong to, perhaps they were brought up that way, perhaps something happened and they went that way. however it was, they are dividing up the world and the universe in the wrong way. if you have political views about immigration, that's your business, but if you hate someone because of some idea you have about their racial origins then you are mentally ill. if you a violent man (or woman...) and go out looking for trouble, be it football hooliganism, happy slapping, anything, you are mentally ill. all of these people as far as i'm concerned have a good case for being sectioned under the mental health act. so many parts of our society are just totally ill. the emphasis is wrong. it's all greed and me me me. but occasionally people come along and try to change things. che guevara, jesus, etc. and look what happens to them. but don't give up. we can still win the fight. we can prove that we don't need competition. we can turn it around and stop living in a world where people are more interested in nicole richie's weight than the state of the oceans.
we can, should, must and will.

stay beautiful, my people.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

the return of the kid

good evening, you lovely b*stards.
been away a while. only managed one measly little post. otherwise engaged, otherwise i would have done it. was offline and in the country for a while. bunburying, as oscar wilde would have it. if only you knew...
so things have happened and life has moved on. i am having a (mid-life?) crisis. not sure where to turn in life. i never really am sure but i'm aware of the unsurety right now. and it's also a financially tricky one, potentially. but all things will turn themselves around one way or another.
i am thinking of cutting back on the ear-destroying life of the dj and finding gainful and rewarding employment that doesn't involve being shouted at by drunks at 4 in the morning. so i'm not going to become a taxi driver or work in a kebab shop either.
time to use my reputed (once upon a time at least) creativity. fingers crossed i will find something. i may have to take some other work in the meantime to supplement my income. we shall see.
i did that drawing above. any feedback welcome. apart from suggesting inserting it into some part of my body.
what's in the news. civil war in iraq. horrible. can't help wondering if it's begun by agents dressed as iraqis, like the time when some of them got arrested and then 'our boys' destroyed the prison so they could escape. anyway, just when the iraqis need each other more than ever it's all going off. and looking into the story about the disguised sas agents i came across this... the plot thickens. unless you knew how thick it was already. in which case you're probably part of a sinister, power-craving cabal of sick, rich people intenting on destroying all that is beautiful in humanity (and this is quite interesting too, a blogger's ideas about iraq etc).
if you are ready for a really horrible story click here. all i can think is that he didn't know she was going to die but still, an absolutely horrible story. just shows how selfishly obsessed we are these days.
ok, enough for now. got to split.
don't believe the hype. you're much better than that.

mr w


Friday, February 17, 2006

parallel universe

'dick' cheney shot his friend. why couldn't it be the other way around?
surely i'm not the only person wondering this.

peace and love, even to neo-cons. especially to neo-cons, they need it more.

mr w x

Thursday, February 09, 2006

mad world

hello my lovelies.
how is the world with you? not too awful, i hope. bringing you some good things. fingers crossed and all that.
i'm fine. saw a movie tonight. GITMO. see it if you get a chance. fills you in on something of what's going/been going on at guantanamo bay. the place with the guys who are fighting for your freedom by locking people up without charge, with no regard to their human rights, subjecting them to torture etc. just so you know who the good guys are. worth seeing. and my friend k did the music.

some guys robbed a pub in england and the police took descriptions of one of them. the witnesses were shocked at the e-fit picture the cops came up with as apparently it didn't look like him. here it is.

police are looking for a man with a comedy nose, un-matching ears and a bit of carpet for a moustache. and doll's hair. i mean, what the f%ck is that? he shouldn't be too hard to spot if he looks like that though. yeah i can see what they meant, the witnesses, it doesn't look like anybody. is this how computers help the police? making these? i could do better on a zx81.

i want to write more about guantanamo bay but i'm quite tired. i have to mention in case i never come back to it, that there are mercenaries over there being employed by the west. no rules of engagement re: human rights etc. and they don't have to report the casualties if these guys die. they're using renegades to fight a dirty war because they can't win it fair and square. this is the price of freedom. freedom is the price of freedom. but as long as you think you're free it's ok. so if you hear about contractors dying in iraq it may well mean mercenaries. just so you know.


signing off

love you all

mr west x

Sunday, February 05, 2006


does anyone have any statistics on how much money the peoples of the 'civilized' world spend in an average weekend on booze? no offence intended, not implying none of us are civilised, just that i wonder where one draws the boundaries of civilisation. but it must be a huge amount of money. even just what london spends. never mind all the other cities. it's unbelievable. now, don't get me all wrong, i'm not hacking at you telling you not to drink, that's your own business. i can talk about my booze free life. actually, yes, i can, since it's my blog. but right now the point i'm making is how many problems we could solve if we just stayed in one weekend and gave that money to charity. and i'm not just talking about what others should be doing. i've got no money anyway, that's one reason why i'm not out drinking these days. i don't know, i was just thinking about it earlier. people happier in the rest of the world, us over here feeling like getting up in the morning. the sewage system having it easy for once. big idea. but i guess we need big ideas now, people saying 'why do we keep doing everything the same way?'. it's obviously not working as well as it might.

other stuff... all this crap with the embassies burning. some people in the muslim world didn't want their religion and culture to be associated with terrorism. so they had a huge demonstration and smashed up and set fire to some buildings. makes sense. hmmm.
now, i'm not religious but i think, and i'm sure i'm not alone, this has got a bit out of hand. if someone who is not a muslim decides to portray someone of whom they are not a devotee, what is wrong with that? i can understand we need to be aware of other people's sensitivities and some of the pictures went too far, but the idea that people who have absolutely no relation to a religion whatsoever should adhere to something as if they were a part of it strikes me as ridiculous. from the small research i've done there is nothing in the koran banning depictions of mohammed or allah. it is a muslim tradition however. but then taken literally there shouldn't be any depictions of any person or animal in muslim tradition as this is seen as idolatry. should we take all such pictures out of our art galleries as well? it just seems too much to ask. people in some countries eat animals that are kept as pets in other countries. but we don't have a problem about it as both sides understand that other people have different ways of doing things. this is the problem here. expecting other people to live your way. now i'm a big critic of the part the west often plays in the muslim/arab world but i think the leaders in many of those countries have work to do in terms of controlling those people that go around acting like maniacs over such matters. some of the pictures went too far, i agree. but the idea that they shouldn't be able to publish pictures of mohammed is just too much i think. i think press freedom sometimes goes in the wrong direction but in this case it has been blown out of all proportion, and burning embassies and boycotting goods is not the way to respond to the actions of a newspaper. i shudder to think where this will end. hopefully in greater understanding, but i don't know. at least the danish bacon industry won't notice any difference...
oh and those silly fellas from hizb-ut-tahrir shouting '7/7 on it's way' should be tickled to death, unless they renounce all stupidity from now on. after a good tickling, though. i'm not going to give a link to them as they've been naughty and should have their board-games confiscated.

so that's all for now.

oh, actually you should read damien hirst's book 'on the way to work'. it's very interesting reading. interviews. it's a bit like talking to your mad mate at the pub. familiar, scary, true and strangely nice.

learn to think that everything you think you know may be bollocks.

see you later

mr w


Saturday, February 04, 2006

nuclear winter

hello lovers
how's things? y'alright?
i am, i'm pretty okay. i mean i'm good, as the americans say. i'm fine as us brits say. i'm pretty okay as us understaters say.
not much news in my life. snow everywhere here just now. f#cking beautiful and amazing but slippery. bit like myself when i was a young scamp. a young scampi. a young fry. scampi and fries. do you want that to go? no i want it to stay. but anyway, yes it's a symphony of white out there just now. weird thing, snow. you feel crap about that fact that it means it's freezing cold but that withered poet inside you who disappeared when you were about 14 still gets woken from his ancient sleep and his loins begin to stir and he dips his quill in the inkwell of life yet again and you almost believe he's worth listening to. until you turn on the telly and stare at someone's tits or wish you had a lot of money.
imagine if you had billions of dollars to spend. you'd look around the world deciding what to spend it on. poverty, eradicating disease, protecting the environment, food for the starving, weapons, wars... how can it be jusitified to spend 440 million dollars on wars? and they're not even winning them. don't they see if they spent a bit of money teaching countries how to support themselves and each other better that would have a knock-on effect that would improve things for everybody? wars haven't ended wars, they just engender more wars. why shouldn't the same be true of peace? let's give it a go. can't hurt to try it. even if it goes wrong it can't be any worse than it is now. crazy idea. peace is boring.
now the u.s. is playing tit-for-tat with chavez. he expelled a u.s. diplomat for spying, so now they've done the same. silly really but then what do you expect? silly little children playing silly little games. children would know better, sorry kids, no offence. i'm not 100% on chavez. it's tricky being 100% on people you have met, never mind ones you haven't, and even trickier with politicans anyway. but i am 0% on bush so i guess i'll lean to the left on this one. i know what the u.s. has got up to throughout latin america over the years and if venezuela does its own thing without u.s. intervention then i'm all for it.
then there's this nonsense.... that bush and blair had some meeting where they 'decided' they'd invade the oilfields, i mean iraq. like they hadn't been told to long before, if they even needed telling. f$cking hell, tell me something i don't know. two cynical pretend-christian western liars invade iraq and we're supposed to think it was something they sat down and discussed. they were told to by their bosses and did as ordered. end of story.
do you think bush could find iraq on a map? or even texas? just wondering.
so, dunno what else to bother you with. i painted that self-portrait at the top. good eh? maybe not. each to his own. i'm kind of getting back into painting. got my muse back since i stopped drinking. maybe you think it's crap. it might be, it might even be meant to be. i don't know.

well, give someone a hug today. even a stranger on the bus, or at least a smile. go on.

love you all, you sexy things

mr w

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

relationships and other troubles

there's not really much i can say about relationships that hasn't already been said. the easy ones never last but the difficult ones do.
i know it's all about learning about the other person and thereby learning about yourself. i just wonder where i got this knack of picking people who don't get me.
so i struggle on, trying to be vocal and clear and honest and yet i don't receive understanding for it. i have to repeat myself over and over again to a point where i feel bad for having my own opinion. and i should not feel that way. anyway, all this crap gives me a headache. stress which i don't need. now or ever. but i will soldier on in the vainglorious hope that things will improve. but you can't force a person to begin understanding. they have to do it of their own volition. and if that volition is not forthcoming then the stress ensues.
so right now i am concerned by nonsense. which is not really how i want to be. but i will let it pass. safe in the knowledge that i have my faults but i am ready to admit and rectify them.
please don't be influenced by any perceived negativity here. i hope your relationships are working well.


Monday, January 30, 2006


good evening, brothers and sisters. i speak to you in a state somewhat jaded. i didn't sleep well last night, but i have managed to busy myself with various little errands throughout the day. i slept in a strange bed last night. not completely strange as in unknown, i have slept in it a number of times before, but strange as in nigh on impossible on which to sleep. there are about 3 mattresses on said bed which i believe is more than faintly ridiculous. 'keep a bed simple and sleep well' is my motto. well, from now on it's my motto about beds. but i had an amazing dream in my last bout of sleep. it was some kind of movie/videogame/real-life thing where you could watch it and be in it at the same time. and it was all real live-action but you could do amazing stuff like in a video game, such as filing away a part of an iron fence and then the sharp part at the end would erode the rest of the fence away, like a fuse burning, and finally it would attack the person at the bottom of the fence. and just before i woke up i saw a huge lycanthrope-like creature which would scare the crap out of anybody. luckily i woke up almost immediately afterwards. don't ask me what it all means.
anyway.... what happens on the reality tv show known as planet earth during this most recent segment?
1/ some people had a narrow escape at a bullfight when a bull managed to leap into the crowd. they killed the bull straight away (no one expected that at a bullfight, i'm sure). anyway somebody got a gash for their troubles. the moral is 'if you're a sadist, get some psychiatric help a.s.a.p.'
2/ some more of bush's old muckers are in court. they were the ones who got caught with their fingers in the rather large tills. you can still go to prison for that stuff. invading countries and killing thousands of innocent people for your own financial and political ends is still ok though, apparently.
3/ transexuals will be allowed two i.d. cards when (i wish i could say if but it looks like 'when') they bring them in, if they are pre-op. what if they don't go through with it in the end? do they have to hand one back? and what about hermaphrodites? or asexual people?

so there's some of it. i'm a bit too tired to think of anything else from the news right now. i've been fixing up my room today, and hopefully, thereby, my life. we shall see how that develops. now i'm going to watch a movie and drink some relaxing herbal tea. there was a time i'd have been out partying but now it's slippers and a warm drink.

be beautiful and honest, my lovely humans. take care of your little bit of the planet.


mr w

Saturday, January 28, 2006



Friday, January 27, 2006

happy returns vs no return

greetings, people of the internet.
i am back from my trip to england. finally i return to my blog. the incessant ramblings of a confused and ageing man.
so what has been happening? to be honest, i'm not actually too sure. not much, event-wise. though i did see some part of the whale saga. i saw the barge fly by with the whale atop. but not longer after this i found out it had died. small wonder, under the circumstances. one can only hope that next time they'll have a better idea of what to do. though when next time will be is hard to say as there hasn't been a whale sighted in the last century in the thames until last weekend. but it wasn't done well, despite the best intentions. they spent three days scaring the crap out of the poor thing, surrounding it with boats and flashing lights and then when its nerves were shot to pieces they managed to scoop it onto a boat. it was already too late by then. i said from the start they should have tranquilised it and carried it back to the sea. but i'm no marine expert. so maybe that wouldn't work. but maybe it wouldn't have been any worse than giving it the experience of being in the world's scariest underwater nightclub.
my detox.... has been going ok. but no one's told me how well i'm looking. though that may be just british reserve (i like to think so). i have cheated though. one day i was going cold turkey for chocolate and didn't make it to the other side. the fear got to me. but after eating it i felt this weird sugar rush and then moodiness afterwards. so i'll try to avoid sugar where possible.
but anyway... i feel good. so that must be something.
haven't seen much of the news recently so will have to get back to you all on that one. no doubt more lies and bombs.

love each other

mr w

Thursday, January 19, 2006

love you long time

just read an amazing story. you can read it here. it shows things don't have to be the way you expect them to be. maybe bush should read it, and see that there's another way.
meanwhile... bin laden has apparently made a tape and released it to al-jazeera. he's dreaming up more 'evil plans' apparently. if it's actually him speaking (it's only an audio tape you see). you'd think he'd have started using cd's by now. surely he has a computer. anyway, he's offered some kind of truce. details are sketchy at best but this tape won't change much. it'll scare those misguided, scared people who can't see the bigger picture. you know, the ones who think we're winning. won't really make any difference to those of us who can think without the aid of fox news.
so, what am i up to, you're all wondering? i'm off to england in the morning. and i'm working tonight so i'll be 'doing a through-er' as they say. no sleep til london. and even then not til at least ten a.m. but i'm hard, you see, i can take it. i make rocks weep just by scowling at them. i've reduced whole villages to hysterical fits of tears just by baring my teeth.
stay up all night? kid's stuff. i've been doing it for years. in fact it's a good job they have winter and longer nights because otherwise people might think i was a cissy. i laugh at long winter nights drawing in. i sneer at cold and lonely mornings with only a cup of lukewarm tea for company.
so, anyway, it's going to be a long night.
not sure when i'll blog again. hopefully not too long from this moment.
until then, be brave my people, the future needs you now.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

silly games men play

no, i don't mean in love. in hate, if anything. take this whole business about iran. they are trying to build a nuclear power facility, which they have every right to do. if someone else can do it then why shouldn't they? they may also be trying to make nuclear weapons. i can only hope not. not just because it's iran but because it's one more country posessing things that no country should have. but then, the point is if one has it then why shouldn't another? oh, iran is dangerous. hmmm. so are some people who have nuclear weapons, most notably america. the worrying thing with iran is what they said about wiping israel off the map. but then israel has nuclear weapons. they could more easily wipe iran off the map. and perhaps would like to, too. and then some. so all this nonsense about who has weapons and who wants them. perhaps if the powers-that-be in the u.n. wanted iran to give it up, maybe they should set a better example. why do we keep the nukes if we don't plan to use them? for defence? defence against what? other nukes? but we don't let our enemies have them. it's such a disgusting double standard. i don't want iran to have nuclear weapons because i don't think anyone should have them. any country making or posessing them should be made to stop. but unless everyone's muscly uncle, sam, stops having them there is no point in trying to rid the world of them. 'one standard for us, another one for everyone else'.
on the trashclub message board i saw these two items. part one is a cartoon strip telling you not to believe in evolution but that man and the dinosaurs were created 6000 years ago. together. in six days. now evolution is just a theory but since we find human remains and artefacts from longer than 6000 years ago, what are we to think? kind of rules out that version, n'est-ce-pas? i don't understand why we can't have god and evolution. we dont have to take the bible at face value do we? we miss its true message if we ignore its allegorical and mystical aspects. i'm sure plenty of buddhists don't believe that the buddha was born walking. it doesn't make them any less buddhist. they are focusing on the message beneath. not the surface text. but to the people who enjoy these strip cartoons that was probably a bad example. buddhists are heathens...
the second one tells you that islam is evil. quite a strong statement by most people's thinking, i would hope. they give examples why. some of them are actually quite interesting but since i haven't read the koran or the hadith i couldn't be sure on their veracity.
but for me, personally, i think the sooner we get away from all religion the better. all it does is divide people and the earlier we see our deeper connection to each other the earlier we can set about saving this planet. now, don't get me wrong. i'm not saying don't be religious. i'm just saying nobody and no religion has a monopoly on the truth.
so, be true to what you believe, but don't forget how much we humans can get things wrong.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

the frustrations of a sunday

must i always awaken feeling sluggish? i have improved my diet immeasurably. i have cut out booze. yet when i wake up i still feel as if i have been rock 'n' rolling it into the squinting hours of daylight. i was up fairly late. i am, usually. i find it hard to sleep earlier because of my body clock, i bought it on ebay, it was cheap.
bad joke.
and so i drank some hot water and lemon juice and breathed my cleansing breaths. i would say morning breath but this sounds like i mean bad breath, which it probably was, ladies. and also it would be incorrect as i finally awoke at 12.22pm.
and now i am trying to leave the house and go for a walk somewhere. i wanted to get a bit of daylight but already 'the sky is beginning to bruise' as uncle monty would say. so i may go and have a sunbed. 'vanity' i hear you shout in unison. but no! it is my replacement sunlight. but it is a bit of vanity as my skin also looks abysmal and i want to burn away the zits with the radiation. this detox thing promises i'll be looking better within two weeks. i have yet to see any evidence of it but fear not! my friends, i will continue, if only so that i can let you all know its effectiveness.
love each other.
mr w


hello folks. how are things? i'm fine. absolutely tickety-boo. well, almost, as i am suffering a stiff shoulder. i may have slept badly upon it. i do not know, but it aches and i have tried to stretch it out via the media of a doorframe and a sofa up to now but to no avail. i can only hope that in my slumbers tonight i sleep badly upon it again and realign it. perhaps it is indicative of something else. i am on this detox process still so perhaps it is something being released. hopefully it will return to it's natural habitat and leave me in peace.
so what have i done today? i watched some football earlier. liverpool narrowly beat tottenham. it was pretty tight, clammy even, but harry kewell nicked it for the reds. good to see. for some of us at least. anyway, perhaps you have zero interest in football. and quite right too.
this evening i watched two movies; american psycho and spiderman 2. now i was a big fan of the book american psycho, and the movie was pretty good in places, but it was always going to be nigh on impossible to really do it justice on film. one, because of the content of the book and two, because of the length a movie 'should' be. the book goes into much more detail, on the outrageous stuff and on the mundane stuff, though these become blurred, and this is what makes the book, the whole way he goes into as much detail about his musical taste or people's suits or facecare regimes as he does about his appalling crimes. the film makes a good effort of trying to cope with this by having him talk about his musical choices whilst he's doing other things but i felt it just didn't quite go far enough with that. but as i say, in the constraints of film-making i guess they were up against it. though the end was a bit flat too. in the film that is. not enough peaks and troughs for me.
spiderman 2 was a lot of fun though. he was never my favourite marvel character. that honour goes to the ex-norrin radd. but i always liked spidey, for various reasons. anyway, the film was a good mix of adventure, love story and comedy and it worked well.
god, am i that vain that i sit here writing about the minutiae of my life and expect people to spend time reading it? looks like i am.
well, people, what else is happening in the world?
the americans have killed 18 people in a botched attempt to get bin laden's right hand man. not sure what a right-hand man does but hey i'm open-minded. even if he's not. so yeah, more people die. all these people dying and for what? to keep the world the way it is? no thanks. how about we don't give people reasons to commit terrorist acts in the first place? is that so difficult? probably, if you make a lot of money out of oil/weapons/etc. so we do stuff that makes people want revenge, probably we kill some of their people or something. then they attack us, this is terrorism, not when we do it. then we try to get them and people get killed in the crossfire. all the people dying. when are we going to say 'hang on, why don't we stop putting these shitbags in power? why don't we take back what's ours?'.
some day soon, i truly hope it will be some day soon.
well, that's all from me. good night. and may you realise your dreams.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


yeah, like i said, i'm worn out. headache, too. and it's bedtime.
watched a good movie tonight. 'the woodsman' with kevin bacon. very interesting. hard subject matter. watch it yourself....

any news?
there's this. about the guy who threw a grenade at bush when he was in georgia. he's been in court. they asked him if he was a terrorist and he replied that he was a human being. good answer. anyway, the grenade missed. hopefully he'll be sentenced to 10 years target practice so he doesn't screw it up next time. only god knows what kind of world we'll be living in in ten years time. still, i guess we get what we deserve. we keep this world the way it is.

take care, people.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


i read this on akira the don's site and am cutting and pasting it here. i'm sure he wont mind. and neither will john pilger. read it and understand it.

"The death of freedom
By John Pilger

On Christmas Eve, I dropped in on Brian Haw, whose hunched, pacing figure was just visible through the freezing fog. For four and a half years, Brian has camped in Parliament Square with a graphic display of photographs that show the terror and suffering imposed on Iraqi children by British policies. The effectiveness of his action was demonstrated last April when the Blair government banned any expression of opposition within a kilometre of parliament. The high court subsequently ruled that, because his presence preceded the ban, Brian was an exception.

Day after day, night after night, season upon season, he remains a beacon, illuminating the great crime of Iraq and the cowardice of the House of Commons. As we talked, two women brought him a Christmas meal and mulled wine. They thanked him, shook his hand and hurried on. He had never seen them before. "That's typical of the public," he said. A man in a pinstriped suit and tie emerged from the fog, carrying a small wreath. "I intend to place this at the Cenotaph and read out the names of the dead in Iraq," he said to Brian, who cautioned him: "You'll spend the night in the cells, mate." We watched him stride off and lay his wreath. His head bowed, he appeared to be whispering. Thirty years ago, I watched dissidents do something similar outside the walls of the Kremlin.

As the night had covered him, he was lucky. On 7 December, Maya Evans, a vegan chef aged 25, was convicted of breaching the new Serious Organised Crime and Police Act by reading aloud at the Cenotaph the names of 97 British soldiers killed in Iraq. So serious was her crime that it required 14 policemen in two vans to arrest her. She was fined and given a criminal record for the rest of her life.

Freedom is dying.

Eighty-year-old John Catt served with the RAF in the Second World War. Last September, he was stopped by police in Brighton for wearing an "offensive" T-shirt which suggested that Bush and Blair be tried for war crimes. He was arrested under the Terrorism Act and handcuffed, with his arms held behind his back. The official record of the arrest says the "purpose" of searching him was "terrorism" and the "grounds for intervention" were "carrying plackard and T-shirt with anti-Blair info" (sic).

He is awaiting trial.

Such cases compare with others that remain secret and beyond any form of justice: those of the foreign nationals held at Belmarsh Prison who have never been charged, let alone put on trial. They are held "on suspicion". Some of the "evidence" against them, whatever it is, the government has now admitted, could have been extracted under torture at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. They are political prisoners in all but name. They face the prospect of being spirited out of the country and into the arms of a regime which may torture them to death. Their isolated families, including children, are quietly going mad.

And for what?

Between 11 September 2001 and 30 September 2005, 895 people in total were arrested under the Terrorism Act. Only 23 have been convicted of offences covered by the act. As for real terrorists, the identities of two of the 7 July bombers, including the suspected mastermind, were known to MI5, yet nothing was done. And Blair wants to give the security services more power. Having helped to devastate Iraq, he is now killing freedom in his own country.

Consider parallel events in the United States. Last October, an American doctor, loved by his patients, was punished with 22 years in prison for founding a charity, Help the Needy, which helped children in Iraq stricken by an economic and humanitarian blockade imposed by America and Britain. In raising money for infants dying from diarrhoea, Dr Rafil Dhafir broke a siege which, accor-ding to Unicef, had caused the deaths of half a million under the age of five. John Ashcroft, the then US attorney general, called Dr Dhafir, a Muslim, a "terrorist", a description mocked by even the judge in a politically motivated travesty of a trial.

The Dhafir case is not extraordinary. In the same month, three US circuit court judges ruled in favour of the Bush regime's "right" to imprison an American citizen "indefinitely" without charging him with a crime. This was the case of Jose Padilla, a petty criminal who allegedly visited Pakistan before he was arrested at Chicago airport three and a half years ago. He was never charged and no evidence has ever been presented against him. Now mired in legal complexity, the case puts George W Bush above the law and outlaws the Bill of Rights. Indeed, on 14 November, the US Senate in effect voted to ban habeas corpus by passing an amendment that overturned a Supreme Court ruling allowing Guantanamo prisoners access to a federal court. Thus, the touchstone of America's most celebrated freedom was scrapped. Without habeas corpus, a government can simply lock away its opponents and implement a dictatorship.

A related, insidious tyranny is being imposed across the world. For all his troubles in Iraq, Bush has carried out the recommendations of a Messianic conspiracy theory called the "Project for the New American Century". Written by his ideological sponsors shortly before he came to power, it foresaw his administration as a military dictatorship behind a democratic facade: "the cavalry on the new American frontier", guided by a blend of paranoia and megalomania. More than 700 American bases are now placed strategically in compliant countries, notably at gateways to sources of fossil fuels and encircling the Middle East and central Asia. "Pre-emptive" aggression is policy, including the use of nuclear weapons. The chemical warfare industry has been reinvigorated. Missile treaties have been torn up. Space has been militarised. Global warming has been embraced. The powers of the president have never been greater. The judicial system has been subverted, along with civil liberties. The former senior CIA analyst Ray McGovern, who once prepared the daily White House briefing, told me that the authors of the PNAC and those now occupying positions of executive power used to be known in Washington as "the crazies". He said: "We should now be very worried about fascism."

In his epic acceptance of the Nobel Prize in Literature on 7 December, Harold Pinter spoke of "a vast tapestry of lies, upon which we feed". He asked why "the systematic brutality, the widespread atrocities, the ruthless suppression of inde- pendent thought" of Stalinist Russia were well known in the west while US state crimes were merely "superficially recorded, let alone documented, let alone acknowledged".

A silence has reigned. Across the world, the extinction and suffering of countless human beings can be attributed to rampant American power, "But you wouldn't know it," said Pinter. "It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn't happening. It didn't matter. It was of no interest."

To its credit, the Guardian published every word of Pinter's warning. To its shame, though unsurprising, the state television broadcaster ignored it. All that Newsnight flatulence about the arts, all that recycled preening for the cameras at Booker Prize-giving events, yet the BBC could not make room for Britain's greatest living dramatist, so honoured, to tell the truth.

For the BBC, it simply never happened, just as the killing of half a million children by America's medieval siege of Iraq during the 1990s never happened, just as the Dhafir and Padilla trials and the Senate vote banning freedom never happened. The political prisoners of Belmarsh barely exist; and a big, brave posse of Metropolitan police never swept away Maya Evans as she publicly grieved for British soldiers killed in the cause of nothing except rotten power.

Bereft of irony, but with a snigger, the newsreader Fiona Bruce introduced, as news, a Christmas propaganda film about Bush's dogs. That happened. Now imagine Bruce reading the following: "Here is delayed news, just in. From 1945 to 2005, the United States attempted to overthrow 50 governments, many of them democracies, and to crush 30 popular movements fighting tyrannical regimes. In the process, 25 countries were bombed, causing the loss of several million lives and the despair of millions more." (Thanks to William Blum's Rogue State, published by Common Courage Press.)

The icon of horror of Saddam Hussein's rule is a 1988 film of petrified bodies of people in the Kurdish town of Halabja, killed in a chemical weapons attack. The attack has been referred to a great deal by Bush and Blair and the film shown a great deal by the BBC. At the time, as I know from personal experience, the Foreign Office tried to cover up the crime at Halabja. The Americans tried to blame it on Iran. Today, in an age of images, there are no images of the chemical weapons attack on Fallujah in November 2004. This allowed the Americans to deny it until they were caught out recently by investigators using the internet. For the BBC, American atrocities simply do not happen.

In 1999, while filming in Washington and Iraq, I learned the true scale of bombing in what the Americans and British then called Iraq's "no-fly zones". During the 18 months to 14 January 1999, US aircraft flew 24,000 combat missions over Iraq; almost every mission was bombing or strafing. "We're down to the last outhouse," a US official protested. "There are still some things left [to bomb], but not many." That was seven years ago. In recent months, the air assault on Iraq has multiplied; the effect on the ground cannot be imagined. For the BBC, it has not happened.

The black farce extends to those pseudo-humanitarians in the media and elsewhere, who themselves have never seen the effects of cluster bombs and air-burst shells, yet continue to invoke the crimes of Saddam to justify the nightmare in Iraq and to protect a quisling prime minister who has sold out his country and made the world more dangerous. Curiously, some of them insist on describing themselves as "liberals" and "left of centre", even "anti-fascists". They want some respectability, I suppose. This is understandable, given that the league table of carnage by Saddam Hussein was overtaken long ago by that of their hero in Downing Street, who will now support an attack on Iran.

This cannot change until we, in the west, look in the mirror and confront the true aims and narcissism of the power applied in our name, its extremes and terrorism. The usual double standard no longer works; there are now millions like Brian Haw, Maya Evans, John Catt and the man in the pinstriped suit, with his wreath. Looking in the mirror means understanding that a violent and undemocratic order is being imposed by those whose actions are little different from the actions of fascists. The difference used to be distance. Now they are bringing it home."

and what's happening with everybody else?

ridiculous crime

messed up world

ridiculous crime part 2

work it out... no wonder politicians get up to the shit they do, we're all killing each other and destroying everything around us.

f*&^ing wake up!!!