Thursday, February 23, 2006

the return of the kid

good evening, you lovely b*stards.
been away a while. only managed one measly little post. otherwise engaged, otherwise i would have done it. was offline and in the country for a while. bunburying, as oscar wilde would have it. if only you knew...
so things have happened and life has moved on. i am having a (mid-life?) crisis. not sure where to turn in life. i never really am sure but i'm aware of the unsurety right now. and it's also a financially tricky one, potentially. but all things will turn themselves around one way or another.
i am thinking of cutting back on the ear-destroying life of the dj and finding gainful and rewarding employment that doesn't involve being shouted at by drunks at 4 in the morning. so i'm not going to become a taxi driver or work in a kebab shop either.
time to use my reputed (once upon a time at least) creativity. fingers crossed i will find something. i may have to take some other work in the meantime to supplement my income. we shall see.
i did that drawing above. any feedback welcome. apart from suggesting inserting it into some part of my body.
what's in the news. civil war in iraq. horrible. can't help wondering if it's begun by agents dressed as iraqis, like the time when some of them got arrested and then 'our boys' destroyed the prison so they could escape. anyway, just when the iraqis need each other more than ever it's all going off. and looking into the story about the disguised sas agents i came across this... the plot thickens. unless you knew how thick it was already. in which case you're probably part of a sinister, power-craving cabal of sick, rich people intenting on destroying all that is beautiful in humanity (and this is quite interesting too, a blogger's ideas about iraq etc).
if you are ready for a really horrible story click here. all i can think is that he didn't know she was going to die but still, an absolutely horrible story. just shows how selfishly obsessed we are these days.
ok, enough for now. got to split.
don't believe the hype. you're much better than that.

mr w


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