Thursday, June 15, 2006

hanging on

hey there, you crazy kids.
been missing me? of course you have, i just needed to hear you say it, that was all.
been gone, gone, gone. for various reasons. i went away for a while, can't remember if i posted during my trip. but then since returning i have been taken ill. not straight away, but the first few days i was getting acclimatised. and also moving room. i had moved room before going away, only to find out that i needn't have and thus i had to move everything back upon my return. i still haven't finished doing it. so i'm in some kind of limbo for precisely that reason. couple with this illness. it's quite a weird experience being ill, i find, it's quite easy to think you don't deserve it. and i ahve to say i don't know where i picked up this cough as i don't smoke and i am in sweden where smoking is banned in all civilised places. but somehow i have picked up this cough, and, amazingly, i have managed to do it when the weather has been great. so while everyone else has been tanning themselves i have been in bed rolling around with an eyemask on feeling dreadful. but you have to be philosophical about it. people get ill. it's my turn this time.
i'm debating whether or not to go to croatia for a week. there's a reasonably priced flight going out there on saturday. i have the money, though i probably need it for other things. but it might do me good. though last time i was there i came back with a disgusting cough from passive smoking. god i wish people would realise how knobbish smoking is. there is no reason for it. just admit you're unhappy and do something about it.
so what's been going on in the matrix of madness?
the whaling commission is being taken over by sick fucks who've been paid by japan and other psychotic barbaric nations to sign up. so our more intelligent friends in the sea will be dropping in numbers. and all thanks to our more stupid friends on the land. here's something. find out more, google it.
what else? zarqawi got deaded. no great loss there then. a few less beheadings in the world won't worry me unduly. some new guy's in, forget his name, but he's promised war on the coalition and shias. now, i may be wrong in this, but i think people might have a bit more sympathy for the islamic cause if a, they stopped blowing up western civilians, and b, stopped also blowing each other up. it's a bit of a double standard to expect us to hear your pleas for peace when you're intent on blowing each other up. this is the problem. too many offshoots and too many self-appointed preachers praising psychomurderbastards as martyrs. show the 'religion of peace' side and people may be more prepared to listen. the coalition wouldn't look very convincing if they were deliberately targeting their own people, would they? (apart from the occasional american 'friendly fire' incident) .
what else? the world cup's on. england didn't play particularly convincingly at the weekend. but they still managed to win, somehow. so if they do the same tonight, i.e win, not play unconvincingly, then they'll be through to the next round. a bit of luck on our side and you never know. why eriksson took theo walcott is beyond me as he seems to have no desire to play him. why not give that place to someone who can replace owen or rooney? i.e. jermaine defoe.
thought croatia looked good and on another night could have had brazil.
we shall see...
well, can't think of any other news with which to enlighten you at this particular moment.
but i send you all my love and hope that you realise your true worth and the beauty of this world.
mr w

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