Tuesday, January 17, 2006

silly games men play

no, i don't mean in love. in hate, if anything. take this whole business about iran. they are trying to build a nuclear power facility, which they have every right to do. if someone else can do it then why shouldn't they? they may also be trying to make nuclear weapons. i can only hope not. not just because it's iran but because it's one more country posessing things that no country should have. but then, the point is if one has it then why shouldn't another? oh, iran is dangerous. hmmm. so are some people who have nuclear weapons, most notably america. the worrying thing with iran is what they said about wiping israel off the map. but then israel has nuclear weapons. they could more easily wipe iran off the map. and perhaps would like to, too. and then some. so all this nonsense about who has weapons and who wants them. perhaps if the powers-that-be in the u.n. wanted iran to give it up, maybe they should set a better example. why do we keep the nukes if we don't plan to use them? for defence? defence against what? other nukes? but we don't let our enemies have them. it's such a disgusting double standard. i don't want iran to have nuclear weapons because i don't think anyone should have them. any country making or posessing them should be made to stop. but unless everyone's muscly uncle, sam, stops having them there is no point in trying to rid the world of them. 'one standard for us, another one for everyone else'.
on the trashclub message board i saw these two items. part one is a cartoon strip telling you not to believe in evolution but that man and the dinosaurs were created 6000 years ago. together. in six days. now evolution is just a theory but since we find human remains and artefacts from longer than 6000 years ago, what are we to think? kind of rules out that version, n'est-ce-pas? i don't understand why we can't have god and evolution. we dont have to take the bible at face value do we? we miss its true message if we ignore its allegorical and mystical aspects. i'm sure plenty of buddhists don't believe that the buddha was born walking. it doesn't make them any less buddhist. they are focusing on the message beneath. not the surface text. but to the people who enjoy these strip cartoons that was probably a bad example. buddhists are heathens...
the second one tells you that islam is evil. quite a strong statement by most people's thinking, i would hope. they give examples why. some of them are actually quite interesting but since i haven't read the koran or the hadith i couldn't be sure on their veracity.
but for me, personally, i think the sooner we get away from all religion the better. all it does is divide people and the earlier we see our deeper connection to each other the earlier we can set about saving this planet. now, don't get me wrong. i'm not saying don't be religious. i'm just saying nobody and no religion has a monopoly on the truth.
so, be true to what you believe, but don't forget how much we humans can get things wrong.


Xia_mi_mi said...

Yes...nuclear weapons can really kill alot of those innocent people..and ironically why isn't that it is always the poor innocent ones that gets it?

Where were those who waged the so-called "war" on the enemy?

Well..probably gone somewhere safe to hide?

Anyway about the issue of religion. I personally think that religion should be something to teach mankind to be good and useful people of the society. And not to divide them. Otherwise, it will serve no purpose at all knowing about them in the first place at all.

But most often than not, it is mankind themselves who mis-interpret their own religion and probably brought harm to their own species.

What ya think?

mister west said...

you're right, the way we use religion often brings more harm than good.

same with nuclear weapons...

we need to recognise our humanity.


mr w