Thursday, July 20, 2006


i've been away.
in kent, visiting relatives.
the weather was warm.
the relatives were lovely.
i was there.and now i'm back, in london, doing not much of anything.
the weather is still warm. kind of nice but it makes you sweaty and that means you have to wash your clothes more often. and everyone always wants to get drunk, and then you're hot and hung-over the next day.
and i haven't been paid. for two weeks, it's not difficult to pay someone, they do the work and then you give them money. last week they paid someone else. this week's reason/excuse has not been made known as yet. the truth will out.

i watched crimewatch last night, my aunt making the observation that a lot of the criminals were foreigners and immigrants (but there were also a lot of british criminals...). it is true. and there are various issues bound up in that. but robbing a bookmakers shop is still not something acceptable( if you ask me owning a bookmakers shop is also unacceptable) but raping the cleaner of the bookmakers shop is repellent. they showed another guy who is eastern european and gets on buses at night looking for single women, sometimes who are in obvious distress, so that he can rape them.
so you have to say, surely there has to be something done about this. for me you can have a one strike and you're out situation, if you come to this country supposedly for a better life and you then go ahead and f_ck it up, for whatever reason, then i think your permission to stay should be immediately revoked. we send our own people to trial in america these days without batting an eyelid so why can't we send people home who commit crimes? we've got enough of our own criminals to deal with so i don't see why we need anyone else's. and they're not doing any favours for all the people who genuinely come here to work and behave like useful citizens.
i don't know, it's a tricky one, i don't want to get all right-wing about this but i just don't see what we get out of keeping those people here. and we'd have a lot more time and resources to sort out our own problems if we sent all foreign-criminals back to their country of origin. if sweden or any other country did that to me i couldn't complain. i wouldn't be in that situation if i hadn't committed the crime in the first place.
it's a strange world we live in, many parts of it are quite sick and horrible, but in these cases one has to be bold enough to stand up and say 'no more'. poverty may lead to crime but rape is not about how much money you have.
things have to change.
and don't think im blaming all crime on foreigners, but the fact is this country can't even look after its own people, and more poverty means more crime. i'm seriously leaning towards the policies coming in in many european countries where you lock the doors and say enough is enough. i just don't think we can cope. england used to be a country of tolerance but i think nowadays that is being abused. we need to make useful people feel welcome here. but we need to see where we are going and if that means not letting in any more people for a while then so be it. i'm not sure how many of them are really being dealt a good hand taking shitty jobs and living in crime-ridden estates anyway. and this makes it worse for the people who've already emigrated and those who've been here for generations. it becomes an us-and-them situation and at some point the lines will be drawn. i hope this doesn't happen. but the only way i can see is if we close the doors and sit down and talk and find out exactly who we are and what we're about. it's not good extending help indefinitely and not checking to see what kind of position we're in to be offering that help in the first place.

wow, i feel a bit like enoch powell but i'm not saying what he said, i'm saying let's appreciate our diversity, let's work together and let's try to make a better society. we're not going to fix the world's problems by immigration to britain anyway, we will only do that by actively helping the rest of the world to adequately take care of its own affairs.

ok, i'm gonna stop now. glad i got that off my chest.

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