Tuesday, March 28, 2006

moving pictures

i saw the movie 'syriana' tonight. very good, actually, part of this double whammy of political george clooney movies. wasn't mad about 'good night and good luck'. interesting subject matter but not so involving movie-wise. for me, at least.
but 'syriana' was much more to my liking. perhaps because of it's even greater relevance to current events. they both relate to current events but g.n.a.g.l is more allegorical, whereas this movie deals with events very similar to what is happening right now. in a way, you know where the movie is going all the time but it's still gripping and pacy and has enough humanity and realistic characterisation to stop it from descending into didacticism.
it shows exactly the way things work with 'the powers that be' in their need for instability in the world to keep us distracted and them rich. it flashes up their disinformation and double-agency. it also shows on a smaller scale how terrorists are recruited in used in much the same way as we are used in as pieces in society's bigger games. ultimately, modern society, wherever in the world, depends on power and keeping the status quo. and as long as we stay diverted, the rules and systems may alter a little here and there, but as long as we stay occupied with nonsense we will keep things the way they are... unfair.
that was that.
what else? reid's considering a pardon for private farr. we'll see what happens.
when are we going to let women take over the world? surely we can't hang on too much longer. they can't do a worse job than men. that's for sure. equally bad? i'd have to see it to believe it. and before you jump on me and say that condoleezza (?) rice is a woman and she is as bad news for humanity as bush is, i'll qualify my statement by saying i'm only including human beings in that, and that rules her out.
check this dude out and tell me men are not the reason this world is in a mess.

anyway, so must it be, right now at least.
now i hate to quote nazis but hermann goering was right on point and could have been talking about bush when he came out with this statement at the nuremberg trials.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

so there you go. he just explained exactly what's happening now. add this to the burning of the reichstag and you've got the war on terror and 9/11 fifty years previous. you couldn't make it up. well, you could make it up, like bush did. do we never learn? or do the americans never learn and we just suffer because of it? no, we never learn either, though perhaps more of us in europe are up on what's going on. but still not enough of us. blair is still in power, so britain's out of any competition for the most clued-up people.

it looks like the christian convert in afghanistan may be freed.
the case is falling apart for various reasons. god help him if they release him to an angry pack of people waiting to do god's supposed bidding. surely if god wants him killed a tree will fall on him or he'll choke or something. if it's god's will why are people wanting to do it for the all-powerful guy? seems weird to me.

now that's two stories today that have gone the opposite from where i thought they were going, so if i keep saying the world will only get worse...

you never know...

god bless you, whichever god that may be. and if you have no god, may life bestow you with gifts anyway.


mr w

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