Thursday, May 04, 2006

up and down

hello fellow travellers
tonight i went to a very interesting dhamma talk by a guy called yanai postelnik, then i had a massive argument with my girlfriend. what an amazing life i lead.
anyway... such it is. i can only go on trying to make sense of it. i'm not going to tear into my girlfriend. she's just trying to make sense of the world. as i guess we all are.
blair and his cronies are embroiled in this stuff about foreign prisoners who should have been deported but instead went missing. it's this whole thing about being seen to do the right thing, not sending them back to countries with poor human rights records. ok, if they just stole a loaf of bread but anyone who's a rapist, murderer, child molester etc, and isn't meant to be in britain should be sent home. end of story. if they're locked up it's one thing, but then we're still paying for their upkeep. but if they're out we don't really owe them any favours. we gave them a chance and they screwed it up. it's like if you go to your mate's parent's house and his mum makes you a nice dinner but then she catches you giving him a joint, she kicks you out. end of story. she doesn't need to worry if you get a bollocking at home. that's not her problem.
minor crimes, maybe we'll let that go, you might be having a hard time in life, but serious nasty violent stuff? see you later. don't forget to write.
i should write james bond's lines.
zac moussaoui got life. ok, i guess. his mum wants him sent back to france. no, keep him over there. he was sentenced there. i think whatever he did he has to pay for. it's widely known that 911 wasn't all it seemed anyway, but what was meant to have happened? how come he got arrested but 911 wasn't known about? oh it was? not officially of course, not on record anyway. but i just don't really get what he got arrested for. anyway, he was acting like a bit of a silly-billy in court with his us versus them rhetoric. he's just another guy from the muslim world for whom life hasn't worked out so well, so he's been brainwashed into trying to be an islamic hero of some sort. it's all nonsense of course, he's just a guy in an orange prison suit. but this is the problem with this imbalanced world we live in. people are looking for some way to count. the current state of the world is what's wrong. there's this new huge list of endangered species. no wonder, people in the third world are destroying their resources trying to keep up with their first world counterparts. and in africa people are so hungry they're killing off the hippopotamus for food. but we have tv. and we have ipod. and we have happy meals. and big brother. and silly-cone implants. and charles barkley's 10 million dollar gambling habit. yet people are starving. and the world is being eaten away. how about we get rid of this rubbishy system and get back to being more natural? having simple tastes. helping others. having a community. the current way is obviously not working. but if you don't hear about it then you don't fix it. clever, huh?
media control.
f%ck! wake up people...
love you
mr w

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