Monday, March 06, 2006


hello, i am tired. so will be quick here. haven't blogged recently for whatever reason.
damn i'm tired. thinking now maybe i should just leave it and post something another time.
if i don't say anything else i have to say that tony blair is a f+cking liar. end of discussion. i will go into why but i will not hear otherwise. he said there were wmd's in iraq. barefaced lie. but his biggest lie, and possibly his most sickening was repeated recently. he said he believed in god. he said he asked god about what to do regarding iraq and what happened after was all based upon this spiritual request. my fat smelly arse, you didn't speak to god. you never do, you are a mealy-mouthed forked-tongued, poisonous demon shat out by satan to cause misery in this world (as bill hicks might say). you are devoid of god. he would not talk to you as you operate in the darkness, trying to divert other people away from the light. you should be exorcised from this planet asap. god, if we believe in him, created us, we are part of him. why would he create all these people and then create saddam hussein to be in power and cause all of the innocent iraqi deaths? this is not the way it has to be. the events that take place in this world are designed to bring us towards greater consciousness. all that happens now must bring about a spiritual revolution. blair's actions included. his actions are unnecessary and hideous. we need to wake up and see our connection to each other and the world. we need to see that we are here a short while and then we die. the universe is ever-changing. the events in iraq should be waking us up to the fact that we need to be rid of corrupt lying f*ckbags like bush and blair and finding new ways to share this planet. their friends put saddam in power. then he killed our brothers and sisters in iraq. now more of them are dying as the new generation of power craving western sickos want to control the iraqi oilfields. we are not saving them, we are not protecting them. we are rabble-rousing. we are causing untold destruction by these actions. and i mean we, as long as we allow these supercilious c_ntscabs to carry on in power. blair a christian. my arse, i repeat. but he can say it because he is in a long line of people who said the same. and there are many today who carry guns and call themselves religious men. they are not religious, they just use their twisted version of scripture to make you think they are right. they are wrong. religion is being used as a tool to continue the misery of millions. have a relation to god/the universe/ whatever you want to call it . but avoid being railroaded into acting on behalf of your religion. or your country. or whatever. you must have room to complain and stand up and say 'NO!'. it must end. but it doesn't end as long as you play their game.
wow, i'm awake now.

where's my blair voodoo doll?


mr w x

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