Saturday, February 04, 2006

nuclear winter

hello lovers
how's things? y'alright?
i am, i'm pretty okay. i mean i'm good, as the americans say. i'm fine as us brits say. i'm pretty okay as us understaters say.
not much news in my life. snow everywhere here just now. f#cking beautiful and amazing but slippery. bit like myself when i was a young scamp. a young scampi. a young fry. scampi and fries. do you want that to go? no i want it to stay. but anyway, yes it's a symphony of white out there just now. weird thing, snow. you feel crap about that fact that it means it's freezing cold but that withered poet inside you who disappeared when you were about 14 still gets woken from his ancient sleep and his loins begin to stir and he dips his quill in the inkwell of life yet again and you almost believe he's worth listening to. until you turn on the telly and stare at someone's tits or wish you had a lot of money.
imagine if you had billions of dollars to spend. you'd look around the world deciding what to spend it on. poverty, eradicating disease, protecting the environment, food for the starving, weapons, wars... how can it be jusitified to spend 440 million dollars on wars? and they're not even winning them. don't they see if they spent a bit of money teaching countries how to support themselves and each other better that would have a knock-on effect that would improve things for everybody? wars haven't ended wars, they just engender more wars. why shouldn't the same be true of peace? let's give it a go. can't hurt to try it. even if it goes wrong it can't be any worse than it is now. crazy idea. peace is boring.
now the u.s. is playing tit-for-tat with chavez. he expelled a u.s. diplomat for spying, so now they've done the same. silly really but then what do you expect? silly little children playing silly little games. children would know better, sorry kids, no offence. i'm not 100% on chavez. it's tricky being 100% on people you have met, never mind ones you haven't, and even trickier with politicans anyway. but i am 0% on bush so i guess i'll lean to the left on this one. i know what the u.s. has got up to throughout latin america over the years and if venezuela does its own thing without u.s. intervention then i'm all for it.
then there's this nonsense.... that bush and blair had some meeting where they 'decided' they'd invade the oilfields, i mean iraq. like they hadn't been told to long before, if they even needed telling. f$cking hell, tell me something i don't know. two cynical pretend-christian western liars invade iraq and we're supposed to think it was something they sat down and discussed. they were told to by their bosses and did as ordered. end of story.
do you think bush could find iraq on a map? or even texas? just wondering.
so, dunno what else to bother you with. i painted that self-portrait at the top. good eh? maybe not. each to his own. i'm kind of getting back into painting. got my muse back since i stopped drinking. maybe you think it's crap. it might be, it might even be meant to be. i don't know.

well, give someone a hug today. even a stranger on the bus, or at least a smile. go on.

love you all, you sexy things

mr w

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