Thursday, January 19, 2006

love you long time

just read an amazing story. you can read it here. it shows things don't have to be the way you expect them to be. maybe bush should read it, and see that there's another way.
meanwhile... bin laden has apparently made a tape and released it to al-jazeera. he's dreaming up more 'evil plans' apparently. if it's actually him speaking (it's only an audio tape you see). you'd think he'd have started using cd's by now. surely he has a computer. anyway, he's offered some kind of truce. details are sketchy at best but this tape won't change much. it'll scare those misguided, scared people who can't see the bigger picture. you know, the ones who think we're winning. won't really make any difference to those of us who can think without the aid of fox news.
so, what am i up to, you're all wondering? i'm off to england in the morning. and i'm working tonight so i'll be 'doing a through-er' as they say. no sleep til london. and even then not til at least ten a.m. but i'm hard, you see, i can take it. i make rocks weep just by scowling at them. i've reduced whole villages to hysterical fits of tears just by baring my teeth.
stay up all night? kid's stuff. i've been doing it for years. in fact it's a good job they have winter and longer nights because otherwise people might think i was a cissy. i laugh at long winter nights drawing in. i sneer at cold and lonely mornings with only a cup of lukewarm tea for company.
so, anyway, it's going to be a long night.
not sure when i'll blog again. hopefully not too long from this moment.
until then, be brave my people, the future needs you now.


Xia_mi_mi said...

Hey hey take care for your trip to England..probably talk about what's its like there when u get back?

Cheers~! =)

mister west said...

see my latest post for some detial on the trip.
hope you're well.

mr w