Monday, March 27, 2006

clocks gone forward

and i'm up late. wonder how long it will take me to get back into the routine of pre-summertime. not that it's actually summer. but it's 2.30 and i'm pretty wide awake if not incredibly bushy-tailed. 2.30 am, that is.
so today i hibernated yet again. only nipping out briefly to forage for pizzas which i store in my cheeks until spring. but i did stuff. i cleaned the bathroom. no mean feat for a single aquarian 30-something guy. 36, actually, i wasn't being vain. just 30-something sounded better in context.
and i learned some stuff on the computer. and tidied my room up a bit. and posed in front of the mirror. and didn't have a shower. and didn't wear any underpants all day. felt good but tricky after you go to the toilet. got to make sure you give it a good shake.
anyway, so that was my day. apart from a recurrence of an old argument with my significant other, which i will not elaborate on too much at this point. as it should never have occurred in the first place.
and in the wider world?
that rancid slab of frozen dog piss, john reid, has refused to pardon a private who was shot in the 1st world war for being a deserter. why not? what difference would it make? the main reason i reckon is reid probably wishes they could do the same. anyway, my message to his daughter, still fighting to clear his name to this day at the age of 92, is he is forgiven, by anyone who has a the slightest shred of humanity in his heart or is able to cry the tiniest tear at the death of an innocent man. unfortunately this does not include the 'labour' party.

and charlie sheen deserves maximum credit for using his platform and right to free speech to voice his concern about the official version of what happened on 911. like many people capable of independent thought, i.e. not in a tv induced coma, he says he is not convinced by what he's been told. well, considering that it's george w bush doing the telling, i'm not surprised he's not convinced. they are a bunch of lying bloodsucking leeches sitting on us and eating our brains with their shitty tv programs and celebrity magazines and music that tells us to hate each other and get drunk and be violent and treat women like crap. this stuff is what they want us to be into. they don't want us to wake up and love each other as brothers and sisters and equals.
if you want to see some video on this it's up on but i haven't got the link to hand. please click and read the one above at least. and spread the word. get these f_ckers out!

ok, enough from me now.

take care my beauties.


mr w x

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