Saturday, May 06, 2006

disappearances can be deceptive

one of my posts has gone missing. it went live for while, later i tried to adapt it and put in more links but now it has disappeared. believe me, it was a good one. no, actually it was a great one. it was a comeback, a renaissance, a startling return to form. but yet now it is now more. at least seemingly, i shall endeavour to resurrect it. but don't get your hopes up, kids. would hate to disappoint all my readers out there. imagine that. mass misery.
so what goes on?
yesterday i played to an empty club. but it was still quite ok. it got busy at the end so i guess i'm with shakespeare on that one.
later i went out and danced a bit, i even made a request, which i don't normally, and they played it. my current song of the moment, george harrison's 'my sweet lord'. which is apparently all about krishna. now i'm now hare krishna devotee but if they all could make music like this i think i might don the pink robes and shave off all but a tuft of hair atop my head. it is a lovely shimmering piece of music. stays the right side of happy-clappy, has a nice crescendo going on, nice lyric play, simple but meaningful. and manages to throw in the old hare krishna chant, hare hare rama rama etc. at first it could seem to be about jesus with the hallelujas etc but mybe that is the effect. and perhaps there is some link between jesus and krishna. i wouldn't know, being neither a biblical scholar nor an expert on hinduism. perhaps someone can look it up and let me know. oh, just found this.
so what else is going on?
i'm off to shoot a commercial just now. playing the part of an england footballer but i will only be seen in silhouette. sounds very film noir, but it isn't meant to be. hopefully my silhouette won't show too badly how little of a footballer's physique i have. we shall see, the truth will out. the game's afoot, watson.
anyway, i've done that now. in reading it seemed but the blinking of an eye but in truth i have been gone these last 5 hours or so and now i have returned to continue my blog. anyway the shoot was good and i felt bad for repeatedly calling some people 'fucking german wankers'. but that was the script and i am merely a player. strutting and fretting my hour upon the stage then heard no more. etc.
but i got about 200 quid for it so i can't complain. and the 'germans' didn't mind. i'm sure they were paid handsomely too.
what's happening in the world? they had a elections in england. local council elections. fascists got in some places. you might not agree with what their saying but they seem to be tapping into something. scary really but if they're the only ones talking about issues that bother people then it's understandable some people may be tempted to vote for them. those same people probably don't realise that they're also voting to ban the trade unions and also to demolish the national health service. but hey, you can't have everything.
rock on.
some british soldiers were shot down in iraq. a lot of young hotheaded iraqis were cheering. not particularly nice but then i'm sure i wouldn't want my country to be invaded either. but i feel bad for the families of those soldiers who died. fighting blair's dirty war. they needn't have been there. they died for nothing. my face is turning blue i'm saying that so much. but i'll keep on saying it. all this flagwaving stuff is nonsense. the war is allwrong and all those who die in it, on both sides, were murdered by bush and blair and all their cronies. not by iraqis. they may have fired the bullet but the shitterati in power are the ones who started this miasma of manure in the first place.
f^ck em.
what else? i don't know. joaquin phoenix did an album of johnny cash songs. worked for jamie foxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
that's about all for me, i'm worn out after a hard night's shouting. i think i found that other post. will try and send it after this.

rock on, stay beautiful and keep searching.
don't buy bullshit.

later skaters

mr w

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