Monday, April 03, 2006


went to football practice today. the creaky old bones somehow mustered enough energy to drag me around on a cross country run and even managed a bit of ball-practice until the manager spotted my failings and told me to do some work with the goalkeeper. fine, until i found out the goalkeeper was injured and wasn't doing anything. so i stood with the injured guys. it was like being back at school. character-building though, apparently. was a good old work out, despite the crestfallen finale. i guess the scouts from real madrid missed the plane over.
what else? more relationship problems. arguments. over-sensitivity. double standards. but apart from that she's fine. i don't think i'm such hard work, but i'm being made out to be.
anyway, tonight i sleep alone. out of choice. off to london wednesday. so tomorrow night is out. and tonight i could have gone over there but the presence of her room-mate puts a dampener on any amorous plans i may make.
i'm working on my screenplay. again. still at the preparation stage. but my chef d'oeuvre will appear one day. believe me.
saw lord of war at the weekend. very good. too tired to go into detail right now but worth seeing definitely. was that the world's worst review? in writing terms, maybe.

world events? more shit, more lies, occasional glimmers of hope offset against a huge living tableau of misery.


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