Monday, May 01, 2006


i have returned.
it has been many days since my last blog, father. i have only had pure thoughts in that time. and my actions were quite ok, i think.
but much has happened. in my tiny personal world and in the wider world, too.
i have been working on my screenplay. a story of a man running away from his past. you can almost imagine that husky old american dude introducing it in the trailer. 'Kevin Costner, is a man chased by demons, from inside his own head, in Diminishing Returns. In theaters now. Certificate 15'.
anyway, we'll see. not expecting costner for the lead role, as it's set in england. and he's got enough on his plate at the moment. i almost said he's got his hands full but i stopped myself.
so, yeah, that's going on. workwise i still haven't found my new niche, but that may happen when the script is done. god willing. the universe willing. whatever your chosen supreme being may be. if you're an atheist then just keep your fingers crossed for me.
What's happening in the wider world?
Too much almost. One of the main things at the moment is still Iran. a particularly thorny issue this one, as i've said before. I don't want them to have weapons of mass destruction, partly because of what ahmadinejad said about wiping israel off the map, but mainly because i don't want anyone to have them. as a child growing up in the 80's i often had nightmares about nuclear war. as i got older these dreams waned. perhaps because my brain dealt with it, or perhaps because it didn't seem such a real threat. but the weapons were still there. and they will be until we all wake up and get rid of them totally and utterly. and nuclear power too. we have the resources already. we just need to use them better. but then we can't do anything better as long as we're ruled by crooks who have our worst interests at heart.
so there you go. iran, don't get the weapons, please, just because we don't want anyone to have them.
what else? labour's in scandals again. hmm weird how all this stuff comes out at the same time. why isn't there a steady stream of scandal? there seems to be plenty of it about, but it just comes out in big blitzes every once in a while. why is that? because it's organised that way. it's supposed to happen. it makes you think you are making a difference when you vote. and you're so silly you believe it.
anyway, go and get broken flowers on dvd, it's ace. and the girl in the nude scene only looks about 15 but she's actually over 20, i felt a bit weird about that at first. so, rest easy.
and while you're there you can hire 'the cranes are flying'. a lovely story of wartime russia.
and maybe 'come and see'. though that is a lot harder going.
and you should listen to puccini's 'o mio babbino caro' (if that link works). heartrending. a snippet of it here if the other didn't work.
right, enough.
love you all.
mr w

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