Sunday, July 09, 2006

random events in a dying universe... (burroughs)

i am in london. it is another of my trips. with more bizarre and seemingly-unconnected-and-meaningless-but-actually-totally-connected-and-meaningful events.
tomorrow i start a course. and i feel ok about it. i shall learn the art of copywriting and all that it entails. tonight i watched the world cup final and drank red wine, having made myself a fairly respectable risotto, yes, i was supporting italy but the food was coincidental. if there are any coincidences.
i got to london on thursday, almost missing my plane but being saved by those who decide what becomes of us... that night i went out for an adequate italian meal with my dear friend johnnie 'polyester'. we then went to clapham, thinking shoreditch could get messy. but clapham was dull, and surprisingly empty, johnnie started to go to the dark side, and then we left.
friday i went to portobello market to see my friend 'steve'. we hung out and talked of many things and plans and told jokes and stories. did you hear about the wooden car? it had wooden wheels, wooden, doors, wooden engine. it wooden go.
boom boom. yeah, bad i guess. maybe you had to be there. or maybe not.
then we ate moroccan and drank portuguese coffee and eventually i split and played music you-know-where. perhaps you don't know where, and perhaps it's better that way. probably, in fact. though steve maybe can fix me up with more interesting possibilities. he knows people, which is a very important quality. he has talent too, but even a man with no talent can do ok if he knows people.
and saturday... well, saturday, interesting, i was at home doing nothing for hours, not at home exactly, but where i'm staying. eventually i persuaded myself to leave the house and head out, possibly to steve's stall at portobello yet again. but first i decided i would go to camden, and there i went, shopping for women's gear to sell at the stall. was gonna get discount from a friend but the boss arrive so that went out of the window. these things happen. but, as one door closes, another one opens... whilst in the shop i spoke briefly to an incredible looking girl, and when i arrived at the till she was just before me, and as she paid for her item it turned out she was a pound short, and being a nice guy, i stepped in to save her in her hour of need, i'd like to think i would have done the same for anybody, perhaps for an old lady i would have done, but maybe not for a guy, unless he seemed like an honest person, which too few people do these days. and she was very thankful. and i was happy to help. and she was beautiful and smiled and we spoke for a second. my transaction took a long time. or perhaps it just seemed long as i was desperate to get out and catch up with this lovely woman. and when eventually i did get out she was in the next shop, but we didn't talk there, or the next shop, i think, but eventually we spoke again, and it was good to talk to her, even though she seemed a little bit hidden behind her sunglasses. she had a lovely personality as well as looking amazing. and i was enjoying it, and we walked around together a while, and all was well with the world. then she stopped to talk to a finnish guy, oh yeah, i forgot to say she was finnish, anyway, she talked to this guy and his girlfriend. i didn't introduce myself, just stayed in the shadows... it was her ex, anyway, and after they left she was a bit shaken up. so we talked a bit more, but i was getting the impression maybe i could be bugging her if i stayed around longer so as she went into the next shop i decided i should move on, and she offered me her number, which i gladly took. and off i went, kissing her on the cheek and thinking, yeah, sometimes things are good...
so then i went to portobello and sold nothing. then i played my records you-know-where again.
and that was that.
but i know there are lessons in all this. i'm just fitting them together. i'll take whatever life wants to throw at me. but a date with that girl would have been a nice thing to throw at me. a walk along the river, maybe an exhibition, an evening meal and a drink, followed by a walk beneath the stars. but no, not yet, life seems to have decided i should walk my lonely walk, trotting to my course and back and playing my records at the weekend. for now at least. i know life can surprise me though.
take care
mr w

p.s. by the way, in case you all think i'm a bad guy, i'm single these days, for a couple of weeks now.

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