Wednesday, January 04, 2006


hello lovers
i'm back... you can relax. i've spent my holidays in england and now i shall board my jetplane to even colder climes.
new year i spent playing music with a friend. it was fun but most of the crowd were too drugged to care.
it's strange getting older. you actually start to realise that a lot of things your parents told you are true. you grow up. you don't get boring. it's just annoying to people who don't know the truth yet. i don't know it yet but every minute makes me more conscious and aware. as it should.
there was a time when hanging out with druggies seemed a laugh. then there was a time when it was a chore but not a bad one. now i just can't help feeling sorry for them. maybe i'm being hypocritical. but i've realised the up is not worth the down. why have a come down when you are already up. the drug will do nothing really. but i guess people have to learn that for themselves. it's like being a non-smoker. people may think i'm being sanctimonious but i can't help it if i know things that they don't (yet). if i knew someone was sleeping with their partner they'd want me to tell them. but in this case i have to keep quiet. it's hard though. maybe i should just stop caring, or move in different circles. it's hard to find those circles these days.
so tomorrow i go back to my normal life. normal.
god knows what i will end up doing. i mean it. god knows.
but i'll enjoy it just the same. take it on the chin. just been told that i'm 'on hold' for playing at a club as they want to bring in 'some new faces'. that would be fine except i rock the house every time i'm there. maybe that's the reason for my downfall. making waves... getting too popular. not sure if i do 'being on hold'. so we'll see. but i know it means other things are in store for me.
i came, i saw, i rocked the house (repeatedly)....
and then i was fired....(essentially)

ok, so i'll keep all you avid readers of mine posted with what comes up. watch this space. it's going to be unbelievable. (probably)


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