Sunday, January 08, 2006


i am detoxing. slowly the poisons that have built up in my system are firmly being told to leave. evicted. they do not belong here anymore. i will begin to feel better as they move on. but for now i am aware of their existence as they mournfully trudge towards their chosen port of exit. this means i feel less than well. i am also still suffering with my christmas gift of a second-hand smoker's cough. and i have a cold. perhaps i should have chosen a better time to clean out my system. who knows. either way, it's happening.
so it's sunday and i have not left the house today. i awoke quite early and began reading my book on atlantis. but later fell back to sleep and awoke chapped-lipped and sluggish. i planned to do things today but my condition has left me unable to get up to much. other than sit at my pc or make food. healthy food, of course.
i'm trying to think of something universal to write about in my endeavours to make this blog relevant.
i don't know. be calm. don't drive too fast. don't get angry with people. don't judge. realise how much power we have to create the world we want. we're creating this one every day.

rock on, people...


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