Friday, January 06, 2006


i have a cough. a smoker's cough, no less. but i do not smoke. this is the joy of passive smoking. it's free and you get all the downsides. i'm not getting holier-than-thou. thous shouldst know me better than that by now, methinks. i smoked. it's up to people what they do to their own bodies. but it is definitely not up to them what they do to my body. i'm not sure when i picked up this cough. i have a predisposition towards catching chest infections anyway. but on my visit to england i had to endure horrible smoky atmospheres at whichever club or bar i visited. i can't think of one place where the air was anywhere near breathable. luckily in sweden the government has banned smoking in clubs, bars, restaurants etc. but in england they don't want to be called a nanny state. fuck it, who cares what they call you. they're calling you a lot worse over iraq at the moment. so they have been talking about this little whimsical 'partial ban'. you either have it or you don't. and as far as i can see there is no reason to not have a ban. it's not like you are doing anyone a disservice by pointing out to them how horrible smoking is. it is fucking poisonous. it's a disgusting, inspid, insidious habit. you are paying some billionaire huge amounts of money for making you ill. and then think of the costs of your healthcare. save your money, take your kids away for a holiday. buy yourself something new for the house. there isn't any way you can look at smokers and not think 'fools'. they can't help it, i realise that. maybe we should think 'poor things'. everyone who does things wrong is only doing it because they're asleep. but we need to wake people up. make them see that their lungs are precious. that's where they breathe and that's where life springs from every second. i know it's obvious. no wonder the world is in this state. we're trying to run away from it, and in doing so we're making it more of a place from which to run away.

come on, people. let's be happy to be alive...

the easy way


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