Tuesday, December 20, 2005


not much has happened today. to me, that is. not much blog-worthy anyway. is it ok to write about what you ate and general day-to-day nonsense like that? i suppose it's ok, as in not unacceptable, but i wouldn't expect most people to be interested in it.
anyway, i saw a movie today, 'the constant gardener'. which i thought was quite interesting subject matter even if i wasn't mad about the movie itself. there were some poetic images in it though. i especially liked the image of the flamingos flying across the lake. there really is some amazing scenery in africa. some of it looks as though it could be on another planet. something to see one day, perhaps. anyway, it had some interesting things to say about the state of the world. go and see it.
so, what else has been happening? i check the bbc webpage every day to see what's going on in great britain. the other day some thieves stole a henry moore sculpture. the worry is that they will melt it down for scrap metal. this is worse than stealing it, i think. if you steal it and sell it then yes it's unfair on others who might like to see it, the same if you steal it and keep it, but melting it down just seems unnecessary to me. but then today i read that thieves have stolen a baby penguin from a zoo. what on earth is the thinking (sic) behind that? this penguin can't even feed itself and will die after 5 days unless it is fed by one of its parents. so another waste, this time of a life, unless the thieves return it. it's just this moronic needless crime that baffles me. robin hood stuff i can understand in a way. but this sort of meaningless crime that does nothing really for anyone is beyond my understanding. and if they get caught they don't really care. going to prison is often no worse or maybe even better than life in some areas of britain. you can hang out with your mates, make new ones, get drugs, learn new skills. how do people get so bored and have so little interest in their own or other people's well-being and freedom that they throw it away with this petty, ten-a-penny nonsense? how does it arise? there are plenty of people much worse off in the world but they don't steal from people in the same position. why do we care so little? i really wonder what we can do about it. watch less tv perhaps. talk to our families. get happy about ourselves. it hurts me to know that people are quite content to go and do a stretch in jail instead of being free to walk and see the world. i remember being in court over my tv licence, many years ago (of course), and there were these young kids comparing jail sentences, as if they were playing top trumps.
people, we need to wake up fast. let's empty the jails by not playing their silly games any more. hold your head up and walk tall. they want you to be a snivelling little nobody with no hope for a better life. don't play that game. you're better than that. you're beautiful.

and if by any chance you're reading this... give the fucking penguin back.

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