Saturday, December 17, 2005

le weekend

hello everybody
welcome to my world. i say everybody but i wonder if anyone actually reads this blog. don't they know what they're missing?
anyway, such is life.
i'm feeling somewhat jaded from last night's festivities. a 30th birthday party. tried to sleep a bit this afternoon to recharge my batteries but i may as well not have bothered. what did work however was a shower. does it make you old if you can remember when showers were a rarity? i used to love having a bath. can't remember the last time i've had one.
so i'm pottering about now sort of getting ready for tonight, playing records to people. hopefully they'll enjoy it, or at least be nice to me if they don't.
so what's going on in the news?
bush has said he authorised the spying on u.s. citizens after 9/11. things seem to be getting worse for bush. but that only makes sense if you truly believe it's just bush, or just the republicans. i can't help thinking that the puppet-master has decided the public fancy a change so they'll appear to heap pressure on so you watch the other puppet do his thing. it's an idea i got from bill hicks, the two puppets. he said someone must wonder why it's the same puppet master despite the choice of puppets. i see it like that. you have the happy puppet and the angry puppet. the happy puppet is in for a while and then things get a bit sloppy and out-of-hand and maybe even the poor start feeling slightly better about themselves so then people think it's time for a return to old-fashioned values. then you bring in the angry puppet and do away with a few inalienable rights and stamp out a few things and make a few enemies and get puritan on our collective asses. but then after a while the children start crying so they bring out the happy puppet again. and everything's ok. and the cycle re-commences.
we remain spectators. we think we rule the world, if not the universe, yet we can't even govern ourselves. we let liars do it. we care so little about it that we hand over our whole lives and societies and money to these liars. an election after all is just a lying competition.

"who tells the best lies? you decide!"

you couldn't make it up.
we've got to get ourselves together, people. connect with others. don't just stick to your own troubled group, reach out to others. there's fucking billions of us out there. they can't kill all of us. they need us to keep the machine running.


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